What games do they hate?

What games do they hate?

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The ones that make you think

Pic related.

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They hate the game you like and they like the game you hate, there you go, you got your fucking reply, now make a thread that isn't fucking garbage for a change you retarded faggot

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I don't know. But I do know they love Elden Ring

Games that are not based and epic.
Aka devs that dont wanna kill all niggers and jews.

The ones that you like

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elden ring
halo infinite
horizon forbidden west
cyberpunk 2077

Open world survival crafting
Movie and walking sims
Modern multiplayer fps

All very horrid


Dark Souls 2.

Cyberpunk is dope though, Cyberpunk as a genre is a criticism of many modern ideologies. Including postmodernism and your equity-based beliefs.

Cyberpunk Genre = This future is bad

NPC's don't like Souls game, particularly UK NPC's towards Bloodborne. Half of them haven't even heard of it somehow, and the half that have tried ONCE, gave up on cleric beast and never tried again. Normies are really weird and HATE a challenge. If the game challenges them at any point, their brain shuts down.

Black Souls because it features turn-based combat and sex with fictional children, the two things NPCs hate the most

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>Trigger fag are annoying faggots that ruins the thread
As expected

shut up nigger, you're just as bad as him.

Wrong reponse

You must be at least eighteen years old to post on this site.

Fallout 2 and New Vegas.

RTS games are basically the ultimate npc filter.
NPCs like rehashed nintendo trash and dark souls clones.

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non-propaganda games

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This is just "What are some games you like?" but as a shitpost.


NPCs become trannies due to programming. and trannies LOVE New Vegas

Up to the boogieman in your head.

Based. This thread now can die in a fire.

Yet it's OK when GTA does it? Hmm. Really gets the old noggin joggin. Guess it's another attack on Indie Games

Get over it loser... As if you and your fag friends' canned remarks are any better or even remotely funny.

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>tranny like thing so thing bad
must suck having an ape brain with no nuance.
better kill yourself then, i hear some trannies like breathing air.