Fun game

>Fun game
>Shitty lore
>Shitty fanbase

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I redownloaded for the Anniversary characters. Holy crap this game is still fucking awful.

You have a massive point about the playerbase. They complain about anyone without a million kills.

>pozzed game
>pozzed lore
>woke fanbase

core gameplay is just about unparalleled, literally everything else about the game and surrounding it is dogshit

>hate BR with a passion
>like Apex gameplay
pretty much this. i have 2k hours and i really wish they made the other game modes permanent like how overwatch does their arcade but they claim theyre moving away from battle royal slowly thankfully

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>still no solo mode
Why? Whats their reasoning?

honestly br is what got me into shooters so i cant specifically relate to that part but yeah im all for more modes coming in. issue is arenas flopped so theyre never gonna commit to a fulltime mode, just recurring LTM shit like control

tea comp in a hero shooter is interesting so i can see why they want trios to be the standard/definitive mode but literally no reason not to have solos as an extra

>gunplay and guns feel amazing
>devs are absolute dogshit in balance and doing anything more but basic design, were surprised different hitboxes mattered
>BR rewards people avoiding fighting, but thats the most boring thing to do
>fugly cosmetics, which sell for some reason anyway
>fugly characters
>paradrop system means you have a lot of teams getting eliminated at the start, and shit like 3 teams remaining at the first ring call in casual matches

People will have to face that they are shit if they have no team to blame. That leads to queue anxiety. And the diversity officer told them they will have to take the chemical castration pills for a month again if they cause anxiety

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>gunplay and guns feel amazing
>devs are absolute dogshit in balance and doing anything more but basic design, were surprised different hitboxes mattered
>BR rewards people avoiding fighting, but thats the most boring thing to do
ymmv, pubs is an answer to many ratting issues
>fugly cosmetics, which sell for some reason anyway
like 10% of cosmetics are good, which funnily enough is jus good enough to sell lootboxes to whales
>fugly characters
mixed bag. some are hot
>paradrop system means you have a lot of teams getting eliminated at the start, and shit like 3 teams remaining at the first ring call in casual matches
issue in pubs, less so in ranked. also map dependent, fuck worlds edge

arenas flopped because its just BR on a small scale with 2 teams when something like control is what people wanted. like an actual fast paced TDM like mode
>BR rewards people avoiding fighting, but thats the most boring thing to do
you can play boodhound and other characters hyper aggressive though. matches only get slow in ranked because past a certain rank people will just nail you from a mile away

>arenas flopped because its just BR on a small scale with 2 teams when something like control is what people wanted. like an actual fast paced TDM like mode
i dont disagree, issue is respawn are too retarded to realise that so theyre gonna take arenas as "never introduce another permanent mode ever"

>you can play boodhound and other characters hyper aggressive though
bh/ash/maggie (or other variations on aggro squad) yeah play aggro as fuck is arguably as meta as ever

>they claim theyre moving away from battle royal slowly
Who? Respawn? Does that mean TF3? I'm sure genders will be removed and the coomer decals and player cards will be removed as well.

Season 1 was so good. The game went downhill as soon as soon as king's canyon was removed.

theyre not actually moving away, theyre just making noise in that direction to try and please everyone. their current gameplan is recurring LTMs for modes that should be permanent, like control, since arenas scared them out of committing to a permanent mode. this is from respawn themselves, im too drunk to look up the interview but i swear this is what theyve said kek

>tfw TF3 never ever

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>Season 1 was so good. The game went downhill as soon as soon as king's canyon was removed.
The game went downhill as soon as soon as fragment was introduced. current season is best in a while because no WE in rotation

at least tf2 has northstar client now. if it was truly nuked out of existence then the closet wed get would be apex's halloween event

Holy fucking based, I kneel.

issue isnt even that apex has good fundamentals, its that theyre so unique once youve gotten used to them anything else makes you want to kys

combining long ttk and fluid movement is such a fucking dynamite recipe that respawn get away with murder

you a consolefag?

>">BR rewards people avoiding fighting, but thats the most boring thing to do"
What do you mean? Even if you and your team land on full purple armor and gold weapons somehow, you'll probably be far behind on damage and thus red armor which means you'll likely lose to the team that's been hunting and killing the entire time. If you land far from every other team and expect excitement then I don't know what to tell you, maybe you'd rather play battlefield instead?

he means ranked. under the current system, placement is prioritised very highly so ratting and then just accepting your death for like 4th place is a decent way to level up, more than it should be

>land far away on purple armor and gold weapons
>walk around
>see a team
>dont engage until they engage another team so you can 3rd party them
>get their red armor

oops i messed up your (you), sorry

got an e-girl lobby and dropped a 4.5k and 21 kill game yesterday

skill based matchmaking is a cancer on this world