Any horror games that look like pic related?

Any horror games that look like pic related?

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Don't a lot of adoption places straight up omit the fact that the dog is a pit and just call it something like German Shepherd mix?

Only psychopath would want this thing in the house

He's just a little excited!. That's all

When the toddler is just about ripe.

Attached: 1625694396795.webm (720x1280, 1.7M)

Global shitbull genocide when??

Why are these pitbull owners so fucking blind to nonverbal communication?

americans irl

5 nights at freddy's

kewt witto puppers

How is this breed still alive? Don't shelters stuff these things in vacuum chambers where their guts are ripped out at the press of a button? Anybody with some sense would never take any kind of shitbull or mutt with shitbull features.

Attached: 1645326204827.webm (770x432, 2.91M)


They are insane

Savior complexes and people really don't like the connotations around eugenics of dog breeds despite that's how we domesticated dogs in the first place because of potential comparisons to race.

Unironically pibull mommies (women) are face and nose blind to legitimate threats and warnings. You always see these retards try to justify these monsters actions by saying their tail was wagging as they're running towards somebody with murder in their eyes before being pumped with .45 special.

For some reason people that like pitbulls are pretty much in a cult, they send death threats to fathers why had a kid that died from a pitbull because he dared to talk badly about them

little shits treat dogs like toys so they get mauled lol

>it's not the breed it's the owner
>"the best" world trainer in the world can't even handle a pitbull
So.....nobody should own a pitbull?

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>so they get mauled
People in their neighborhood.

really at this point, if you aren't in a tremendously shit neighborhood and need something that will maul intruders at any and all times, yeah nobody should actually have a pitbull. It's like that retarded thing people claim about a gun just going off by itself, but actually real.