What are your best memories with the Wii?

What are your best memories with the Wii?

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playing kirby with my wife last weekend was pretty good

When I sold it haHA

>dad has basement
>play wii bowling while rest of family is watching Vegas Vacation upstairs
>enter trance like state
>tune out the rest of the world
>everything is a strike
>score a perfect 300
>so excited my dumbass presses too many buttons
>skips the score screen
>go tell my dad that I scored a perfect 300
>he doesn’t believe me
Fuck you dad I did it

Probably Subspace?

I remember nudging my character right a bit and throwing full force would 99% guarantee me a strike every time. The ball would always curve the same way, probably because the wiimote wasn't as accurate/sensitive as controllers today.

Should've just showed him the end game scores user. I'm pretty sure Wii sports save your highest wins

Resident Evil 4 after work and Brawl Subspace emissary with friends.

Playing xenosaga

smash bros brawl with cousins

The only game worth a damn on that plataform and luckily it isn't exclusive anymore since got ported to every Nintendo system (New3DS, Wii U & Switch).

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RE 4, seeing someone smash a expensive TV in person after they were told more than once to back up from the TV.

Playing WarioWare: Smooth Moves for the first time with a group of friends and laughing so hard I almost threw up

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I emulated xenoblade the same year it came out in 1080p with no framerate issues on an i7-2600k. I had a good time with it, i remember the exploration element was really great but the writing was atrocious shounen nonsense. Also the music was nice.
The end.

Honestly just looking for the console. Spent the day with my brother and eventually found it at Toys R Us.

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Monster hunter tri with the guys. Most of the motion controls were dumb but I'll always miss punching with the wiimote to gather items.

i'm calling bullshit

>neighborhood kids had a wii with wii sports and mario kart
>we always played MKDS at the pool or in their yard under the shade of the trees, but one summer a storm nearby sparked a big forest fire, and the sky is filled with smoke
>spare the air days for like a month or so, always had to stay inside now
>went over to their house and played a shit ton of mario kart
>always had 5 people, loser switched off and second worst placer had to use the wheel

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playing Wii Sports drinking games at university

experiencing No More Heroes without knowing anything about it or Grasshopper Manufacture beforehand. Only bought it out of curiosity

is it better than chronicles X? I might get it before the eshop is kill.

Getting my family to bowl. Not even joking. One of the best thanksgivings ever saw all of my older (eldest being 72) family members taking turns and laughing at each other. As much as I dislike how the wii fell to shovelware, Wii Sports was a perfect moment in time.

Best memory with others is playing Wii Sports with everyone in the family. I'm not joking. I'd been wanting my family to at least try video games for a long time and it finally happened with the Wii and everyone loved it. None of them play games anymore, but that one time for about 2 years they did (even if it was just Wii Sports and whenever Wii Fit came out).

On my own, I can't really pick one. I liked dicking around with the Weather Channel, Everybody Votes, Check Mii Out, and Mii Channels a lot. I played NMH, Brawl, Warioware, Mario Strikers Charged, Excite Truck (both of them), Madden 08, both Trauma Centers, Madworld, S&P, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, and Galaxy 2 to death. I also had a lot of fun with the Wiiware games too like Super Star Soldier R, the Strongbad games, Bomberman Blast, Bit.Trip Runner, LostWinds, Fluidity, MegaMan 9 and others. Also, it was nice being able to actually have access to Nintendo's old stuff right on the console through VC (buy a game and actually own the copy) so I utilized that a lot even before putting homebrew on it at the end of that gen. Plus I had the Wii that was 100% backward compatible with GameCube games (they took that functionality out in some of the other models).

Despite what everyone says about this thing, I absolutely loved it. It only output to 480p which I feel is it's biggest mistake, but for me, this could have been my last console and I'd have been OK with that. A large amount of Nintendo games I'd wanted (and other old consoles) from the past plus all Wii and GameCube games made it a great value. I was let down by the Wii U due to its wasted potential but thought it was OK, but I have no desire for the Switch at all. Basically, I really liked the Wii.