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>That quote was never actually said in game

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Why do people say this?
McMillan or whatever his name was says that in All Ghillied Up

yes but it's not the guy from the opening clip from the trailer

Yes it was, Gaz and McMillan sound almost exactly the same and the line is the same as the intro when he says it

>hammond and i found some glowing graphite on the road so we thought we'd put it james' car under his seat since he like to collect old things, which went well....
>hello viewers, as you can see we are driving around cherno- bloody nora its hot in here, what's that smell? smells like my flesh is falling apart.

No it fucking isn't.

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Does Pripyat really has that yellow haze in it's environment? Why is that?

No user, it's called fog.

wonder what will happen to all those soldiers who were fighting there,

Nothing since the background radiation in Chernobyl is barely higher than anywhere else at this point

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So it's a filter the yellow tone?


there was a graph being posted on /k/ that there was a radiation leak and there were reports of arty hitting a nuclear storage station

3.6 roetgen, not great not terrible.

why is cia in chernobyl

>radiation goes up because dust is being kicked up by movement

Don’t breathe the dust homie

Maybe sunrise or sunset?

Dr. Zakaev, I'm SAS

McMillan is Scottish
Gaz is English
Same line totally different character

what if we just stopped everything from moving

It was said in a cutscene, the fuck are you on about?
Nor does it have to be, so who gives a shit?
IT's a trailer, that takes liberty for marketing

I miss him, lads.

Why wasn't I there to give the old man his steak? I could have saved television.

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