You WILL live in the bunker

>You WILL live in the bunker
>You WILL eat the android food
>You WILL get the logic virus
>And you WILL be happy

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Request denied.

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I stopped playing after the first ending, what did I miss by not continuing?

You missed half of the story.


Around 1/2 of the game

more than half of the game.

the whole fuckin game nigga

imagine having a 2b and dumping your cum in her everyday after a hard day of work and then eating the food she cooked for you

A bunch of shitty recycled content from the 1st playthrough but with the insufferable slog that is faggot 9s gameplay which is even more dumbed down and shallow than the already shallow 2B combat.
and a cringey 3rd section again with too much 9s gameplay which is more glitchy and and unfinished than the rest of the game.

I liked 9S more because his hacking allows you to not bother with the monotonous combat.

Imagine the femdom.

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playing a shitty minigame that's less engaging than primative shit like space invaders with a bunch of simple shapes is just as bad.

Context Denial is a phrase that needs to enter the lexicon as soon as possible.

Overrated piece of dog shit made by a hack that sucks SE's employer dick to remain relevant.

I found it more engaging than mashing the attack buttons.

Robots don't need pubes...

They don't need sweaty dump truck asses either

But they have them

Yes they do.

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Fuel storage.

They were just copying Undertale.