Can we be completely and totally honest - how the actual fuck is this game a 10/10 and potential GOAT? It's not awful...

Can we be completely and totally honest - how the actual fuck is this game a 10/10 and potential GOAT? It's not awful, it's not good, it's barely OK. It's probably a 6/10, if we are being completely honest. I cannot believe the shameless dishonest fellatio this game is getting. They did the same thing with BoTW and that game was even worse.

Attached: Elden-Ring-Metacritic.jpg (767x384, 32.61K)

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open world bonus



Snoy console bonus

Show us where Margit touched you user

Weebs and faggot trannies

>still rolling to avoid attacks

hyped up AAA games basically insist on getting 9.5 and higher. It's horseshit but publications won't get review copies early if they give honest or too critical reviews.

hype and marketing

>It's probably a 6/10

more like
>still can't roll properly

It's probably the best game I've played in the past few years, and I don't even like Dark Souls II or III. There are traditional Dark Souls levels, Chalice Dungeon equivalents with weapons/spells instead of piecemeal rewards, exploration is rewarded without forcing you to make checkpoints all over the place, and it's got Dark Souls atmosphere with an improved combat system, which is what Dark Souls II and III lacked.

Btow was the same didn't add or invent anything new yet that game got 9 and 10 also

Kek, it's funny to pop into Any Forums right now between sessions, watching the few left here wallowing about with eachother like pigs in shit while we all enjoy elden kino

paid reviews, just like every other AAA

cultists basically

he literally mentioned that in the op dumbass

Lmfao improved combat system? You're joking right? Have you seen the "hitboxes" on these fucking mobs? Shields defy the laws of physics and block everything even if you're hitting from the side or behind! Wow!!!

I'm sorry the PC port was shit, you brought this on yourself.
Console chads get the GOAT.

Based consumer, gonna play skyrim and witcher3 after elden ring marathon

It's gonna be like Breath of the Wild, with constant crying threads for months and months. I love the tears.

How much did you get paid for that post buddy? Are you close to being able to pay rent? Oh I forgot your mom isn't charging you while you "get things together." Kind of sad man what are you almost 35 now?

People who reviewed the game have been playing for months. Maybe its one if those slow burn kinda games.

I have to admit I was massively underwhelmed on Day One. I thought the game was a boring miserable slog. Its starting to get better now that leveled up a few times and found some cool gear and items, I'm starting to grasp the combat mechanics better. I'll give some more time and see how I feel in a week.

I'm playing on's just not the amazing, once-in-a-generation game all these faggot ass publications are cumming over. It's a 6/10, maybe even less.

open world bonus
celebrity "dev" bonus
mongoloid fanboys will burn down our offices if we give this less than a 9.5 bonus

It’s hilarious how defensive the fromfags get when you point out any valid criticism. For example, the combat is clunky, dated and boring. The graphics look like ps2 yet it still runs like shit. Just because a game is hard, doesn’t mean it’s good. Japanese dole opera are has beens and can’t innovate so they just keep recycling the same old garbage and their waifu pillow humping drones eat it up.

Works on my machine

Its only competition is Skyrim and Witcher, you tell me if whatever From does is worse than any of that, muh writing and radiant quests sure as hell don't seem better than just roaming through a field dodging random thing along with the occasional decently put together souls dungeon.

It's a masterpiece

Sorry you got filtered.

Journalists also gave Cyberpunk great reviews. They’re basically not allowed to criticize games that have a huge amount of hype. It doesn’t help that fans of pic related are particularly rabid and autistic

Attached: 94D48D4C-C972-4382-9C49-DDF25A62435C.jpg (831x323, 20.25K)

open world = automatic 10/10s from tranny journos.
souls games also don't get honest reviews because nobody wants to listen to the autistic fanbase sperg about it.

Cause it's made by fromsoft, this has been going on with their games since DaS2.

Also this

>the combat is clunky, dated and boring
As opposed to what

That's what I don't get- how they rabidly seethe and just ignore any valid criticism. It's OK to admit a game isn't fucking perfect, and Elden Ring is probably the farthest thing from perfect I have seen this year. They're like fucking potheads, they cannot live with someone not supporting their addiction or pointing out that both weed and Elden Ring can give you cancer.

kingdom hearts, ff7r, stranger of paradise, twewy, etc.

It's simple this game is for Aryans only. Maybe based boy 3 is more your speed I hear that has boobs and funny one liners, BASED.

it's a solid 7.5-8/10
it's not as good as i was hoping, but still enjoyable.

>how the actual fuck is this game a 10/10 and potential GOAT?
Because of the advertising industry.

All big review sites make their money via ad impressions and page views.
All independent reviewers operating out of YouTube make their money via views as well.

No-one is going to risk 'breaking rank' by burning the game for what it is: a blatant lather-rinse-repeat milking of the cow with a litany of technical problems, because it means their review will not be taken serious and will be skipped over. I.e. they won't make any money off of it.

The real reason? FromSoft managed, mostly by accident, to corner the market of "hardcore game for real gamers not like those cowadoody CHUDS". That reputation got solidified when a few idiot reviewers posted articles bemoaning the games difficulty and got jumped on. So now they're afraid to say anything against gookgod Miyzaki.

It's a broader trend though. reviewers don't do much actual reviewing of any media anymore, not in movies, books, tv or whatever. If they try to publish something halfway thoughtful or critical they get mobbed for being "elitist". So they all have their fingers in the wind to anticipate where the general consensus will go (i.e. twitterfaggot hivemind) and hop on board with it.

Attached: bjk.jpg (1110x1194, 117.61K)

You're clearly filtered. Once you get out of the first area and start finding more locations, it really elevates the game. These threads are so pathetic. Most of you can't even beat the first boss. How sad

The best part is their usual, "well you don't like it because you haven't spend a million hours on it" and when you do and come back with criticism, "well why did you keep playing it if you didn't like it."

It's Saturday, user, people with real jobs don't work weekends.

It is not ten worthy worthy of ten to you?

shut up op and play the game


Nioh 2


kingdom hearts is so gay

Consoomers and consoomer-pandering "critics"
>zomg you HAVE to purchase the latest title in fromsoft's metaphorical SOULSBORNE SAGA
That'll be 59.99 please, no refunds :^)

Despite the massive e hype it still managed to deliver

Anything squareenix with big money put towards it also happens to be movie shit so whatever good they have is completely diluted, even Elden Ring doesn't have this problem so it gets by with tweaking something that just works. No I don't care how much you think the world is empty, still better than hallways with talking and a dozen hours of cutscenes.

Imagine being so sub 100iq that you think people are praising it because of the difficulty. It's pretty evident when people are shit at a Souls game and they come up with that argument.

The game looks like a PS4 game and the performance is bad. Automatically knocking it down from a 10 or even a 9. Otherwise it's proving itself to be a very fun game, and most criticism seems like seething schizophrenics who have to comment on the fanbase rather than the game itself, because if they tried it, it seems like people are stuck in the first fucking area of the game and are seething they can't beat the first boss or find anything.

It's sad

>don't hit the camera, man

I have a theory. This isn’t a game, its a recruitment operation. The Japanese are looking to develop an army of autists around the world. Once activated, they will screech the world into submission.

How do zoomers find this Simon Says bullshit fun and entertaining will never make sense to me.

Dying twelve thousand times to learn a pattern gives you online street cred or something?

It's still the most fun way to do it. Timed parrying and dodging is interactive, reaction time dependent and just all around fun.

Autists thrive on patterns and structure.

Shazamposters are still trying so hard, it's comical
I thought the 97MC would break them for good, but these are reaching nigh-preposterous levels of desperation now

I think it's great. The dungeons are enormous. Take the dungeons alone, and they make their own Dark Soul's game. That's how big they are, the Open World gives a nice sense of pacing, that lets you go at your own pace, and let's you do meaningful progression and exploration of you're stuck in a dungeon, in order to level you up. Which is much better than the farming you'd have to do in other souls games.

Overall, this is what I wanted BotW to be. I personally couldn't be more satisfied with the game. If you don't like it, that's cool, but the reasons I see people throwing out seem entirely subjective. I think the game does an excellent job at doing what it sets out to do, is a perfect evolution of the gameplay seen in DAS1, and sets a new standard for Open World, one that will hopefully be imitated, as this is how you do it. Freedom to go wherever, sure, but there's organic meaningful content, and actually large and complex mazelike dungeons with really tough challenges. I can't think of a single way to improve this game, outside of the performance issues, which on my end have been extremely minor.

Nah it's a 10. Go fuck yourself

the fun part is that you can just run away from it if you're tired of repeating the same thing, running away and finding something else to do is a valid option in any RPG worth a damn.

Difference is BotW deserved to be shat on for delivering absolutely nothing worthwhile for content in it's open world. Elden Ring is what BotW should have been, and it's disappointing Aonuma and his team are looking toward fucking Red Dead 2 for inspiration for the next game, rather than Dark Soul's, which is what I've been saying. It's incredible how ER manages to capture the same feeling of wonderment abd exploration and interconnectedness as DaS1 bit on such a large scale. ER proves you can 100% do a Metroidvania style 3D game, but in an Open World. The fact that Zelda gave up on what made it great to copy Ubisoft and their stupid towers will never not be disappointing to me. And fuck all the idiots who said "it's necessary design in Open World." No it's fucking not, see?!