This used to mean something

this used to mean something

Attached: vidya.jpg (225x225, 13.94K)

Not really. Nintendo hardware was always full of shovelware.

It did?

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Looks like soul senpai

Not really. It was meant to stop the games like the ones that caused the crash from being released on their systems. There's a huge difference between being a "bad" game and being a completely unplayable and broken game.

No it didn't.

Show me that on a modern game box.

i don't think so

Right here. They still use it.

Attached: offical boxart.jpg (640x1037, 286.71K)

was a good game, seethe

Lol no it fucking didn’t

Why do people hate this game?

My favorite e-celeb says it's bad.

It was pretty effective at telling me a game isn't worth playing. Miss it.

>Why do people hate this game?

Sluggish as hell not helped with random encounters

It meant whatever game you bought wasn't unplayably broken and functioned at a bare minimum, because in the early days there was no real way of knowing if what you were buying was actually a finished product that worked.

My favorite e-celeb says it was decent

I mean it literally used to mean "you can't publish games for our hardware without our permission." Which still didn't stop people from trying.

this used to mean something

Attached: 123.png (381x155, 38.89K)

> Reverse image search
> DA and FA pages
Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars

Attached: 4CE11562-5E1E-4762-9A6A-86379E708725.jpg (264x253, 14.62K)

Yeah it all went down after they stopped making Golden Sun and Metroid Prime games

>Golden Sun
Basic bitch spotted.