Metroidvania thread

Why is “le quirky earthbound inspired indie RPG” a meme but “le indie metroidvania” isn’t when they’re more common?

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>-ooomerfaggotry thread
how about i fucking rape and kill you OP how about that one?

Because a lot of metroidvanias are good while there are maybe two or three good earthbound-inspired games.

The roop and kooler
>braindead, spends all day looking for prey to roop and kool

Fact: the only good indie metroidvania is La-Mulana and its sequel
Prove me wrong
Pro tip: you can't

Because Earthbound isn't a genre. While there are many indie Metoidvanias out there, there are plenty that aren't just "'member SOTN?"

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Metroidvanias in general are good

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Bloodstained is such a fucking shit. Not comparable to HK on the slightest.

Because undertale was more influential and metroidvanias have the "hollowlike" meme. Metroidvanias are also more likely to be better than RPGMaker games.
Rabi Ribi, Infernium and Supraland are good too.

return to reddit


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Boomers tained?

Metroidvainia as a term is itself a meme

this was pretty good and a hidden gem for most.

Retoon to redooter


>Why is “le quirky earthbound inspired indie RPG” a meme but “le indie metroidvania” isn’t
oh it definitely is

Because the games in your picture are actually good.

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oomerfaggotry only works out when it's about zoomers for being such a terrible generation overall

There are no good le quirky earfbound games

Because metroid and Castlevania doesn't have a massive cult following like earthbound.

I thought they were getting made fun of.
I'm not even sure if its hyperbolic statement to say a new metroidvania gets released every other month.