Can attack from the left

>can attack from the left
>can attack from the right
>can attack from behind
>fights on a narrow bridge
>you can fall off, he can't
>only has one opening, which is gone during his second phase
>second phase starts at 3/4 of his health
>has unlimited stamina, can pull off 50 combo attacks until you die no problem
>because of elden ring's retarded controls (I can't believe reviewers didn't call them out on this), margit can see the future
>in elden ring, action happens when you let go of the button rather than when you press it
>margit knows this, he will wait for you to press the roll button and in the half second between button press and the actual roll happening he would already know which side you'll roll and attack accordingly
>what if you just don't roll? he'll just miss and becomes vulnerable, right?
>if margit was a competitive player, he would have been banned for life for cheating

Attached: 1639148066089.webm (1920x1080, 2.75M)


I forgot to mention that the guy has no pattern whatsoever, he keep pulling out moves out of his ass.


The move in your video literally lets you get 5-6 free swings in everytime. Stop strafing and just lay in to him for free damage until he decides to either stop the attack or finally smashes down. Whenever he did that move I was happy.

If I swing he will just hit me.


Just spam your ranged blood attack from the blood dagger. That's hostmwyw I did it.
Also, summoning is not easy mode, bosses actually get harder, not like in Dark Souls where they just got more health.

I don't know what I say bro I had like 15 attempts on him last night and he never swung on that attack no matter how much I laid in to him.

>Also, summoning is not easy mode, bosses actually get harder, not like in Dark Souls where they just got more health.
All the more reasons for me to summon then.


It's really weird, I watched videos of other players beating him 1v1 and their Margit behaved completely different to mine. Theirs are passive whilst mine is always Orphan of Kos on steroids (especially the second phase), it's like I accidentally triggered hard mode or something.

Have you tried hitting him with your sword a lot until he dies?

You forgot that he can alter many of his patterns at any time with knives

I have and he just hits me even harder until I die. I still can't find a decent opening in the second phase, he has a counter for everything.


Weren't you fags bitching about the game being too easy.

Attached: 1600446328464.gif (400x300, 902.97K)

Yeah , just when I thought I had him figured out, he pulls some more bullshit.

Whaaaaaaaa? You mean he's not a joke boss like all those chumps in the ruins that you steamrolled in one or two attempts? How could they have put an actual boss in this game?

i used jellyfish and poison pots. gives me life not to have to be a dodgefag. but muh developer's vision! fuck off geek, go play street fighter or something

I beat him as first boss before i knew how to level up user, perhaps you should consider getting good?

>beat the bloodhound knight
>kinda feel like I cheesed it cause I just baited out his running claw attack, did a run-heavy and ran out over and over
Didn't feel like I was left any other choice though

let us adapt to this filth brother