Stop playing Elden Ring

Stop playing elden ring. Play monster hunter rise instead. It's a way better game.

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both are garbage roll fests
im playing neither
stay mad and cope + seethe tranny

I had my fill of Monster Hunter Rise last year.

Give me proper Sunbreak news already and I'll consider it

Shut up gaijin piggu you will play the game!!! No sunbreak for you!!

>playing nuMH
time to start up that FU save nuhunter

Oh, I gladly would....

IF IT ACTUALLY HAD NEW CONTENT FOR IT! I'm tired of doing the same two Triple-Threat Apex Quests and the same Ibushi Rampage.

No I liked world way better.

Fuckibg desperate.

It's literally official artwork by capcom, take your meds schizo.

I am playing MHGU until sunbreak comes out, how I heavy bow other monsters other than Khezu (which is blind, which makes long range combat work for it)?

I just started GU too, why is lowrank so hard? Feels like high rank in Rise.

Like hell I know, MGHU is my first normal MH and I only got it cuz it was on a fucking 60% off sale, I am a pro Rider instead.

Man I really hope Sunbreak gives me a free armor to plow through vanilla on PC with, I already played a hundred hours of the switch version and I just don't have the energy to grind through that shit again.

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I played Rise on Switch and am waiting for Sunbreak on Switch. I'm interested in Elden Ring despite not playing any other Souls games. I'm wondering if I should get it...

pirate if you're not sure

Mhr isn't cracked so elden ring it is

Is it really worth it if you're a mostly solo player though. Probably not.

It's not cracked

rise's traversal and combat completely demolishes memeden ring's but then again a lot of games do that

>monster hunter rise
is it cracked on pc yet?

use valor ls

>play a monster hunter game that is a shitty spinoff
No way fag.
I'll play monster hunter 6 when it comes out.

200hrs solo in Rise
370hrs solo in GU
250hrs solo in 3U

World was always-online so idk but I mostly solo'd everything after Guiding Land.
Yes it's fun

Heavy Bow is very good in solo, sucks in multi since it sends everyone flying
What weapon? Also take my advice and get Ev+1 until you're used to the roll timing.

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Idk about Rise specifically but if you can try it out i'd say go for it. I prefer to solo every game i play but MH actually had me spend a lot of time in coop too. It's strangely the only game i feel kinda bad not having a gaming buddy to play with.