Should I buy a PS5 for Elden Ring?

Should I buy a PS5 for Elden Ring?

>inb4 pc gaymen

Still live with my parents, no room for a proper pc rig

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idk im going fishing brb

if you have room for a PS5 you definitely have room for a PC

She's flat. Kinda sad.

The best thing to do is to quit playing video games. Get married and have children you loser.

I got a tv in my bedroom that i use for anime and movies and gaming. I don't have room to set up a proper pc rig and desktop and monitor and all that, unless I just get a pc and basically use it like a console and hook it up to the tv with a remote controller

Tried that. Got friendzoned hard by jap girl I was seeing. Gonna ignore femoids for a while to seethecope

Who says you need a desk and monitor?

piece of shit can't even fit in the toilet bruh

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You shouldn't buy any console for just one game. That's stupid shit that only PC exclusive idiots do because they think they're "missing out".

be shxz0drugaddict like me

Unironically buying a scalped console for one game? No. I'd stick with the PS4 version in that case.

Using a pc on a tv is such a shit experience, I used to have a setup like that in my parents' home. Modifying exes for old games and just generally using windows to set up these old games while standing up to my tv sucked. Steam big picture was garbage too, not sure if they finally updated that.

It's not finished yet. Wait a month or two for the performance to be fixed.
Flat chested women look more like middle schoolers and are therefore more attractive

Yeah I like playing games on my computer but only at my desk in my chair. Idk why but graphics cards just don't play well with televisions like consoles do.

Personally, I'm just salty Elden Ring can't run at 4k and a steady 60fps on a 3070. I don't even have a 3070 but was looking to get a $2200 pre-built with a 3070 and a 12th gen i7. But a PS5 has better performance for about 1/4th of that price... Why are most developers so shitty now? I look back at how Crash Bandicoot fit in 2MB of RAM, and it's like proper C++ programming is a forgotten art. There's no reason why Disco Elysium should run worse than Witcher 3 on the same hardware.

what are you gay? her chest is perfect size

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buy an xbox series X instead if you wanna go the console cuck route

why this asian bitch picture always posted here she's fucking ugly her eyes looks fucking weird she looks like she has down syndrome

no man it is not worth it just for elden ring

4k is still out of reach this GPU generation honestly, even the 3090 doesn't guarantee 60fps if you wanna game at high settings.
Very disappointing, I know.

Post more cute girls and I'll answer.