So, what was the point of this fat hack fraud?

So, what was the point of this fat hack fraud?

The lore and world feels the weakest from all Souls games so far

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It feels like the same as all the other fromsoft games

Marketing, if you watch his interview he basically knows nothing about anything. They probably just paid him to pretend he wrote something kek fromhack at it again

fake deep typical souls shit

Generating hype for GoT-tards who are currently getting filtered hard by souls formula that wasn't dumbed down enough for them.

Except the Lore is the best it's been. Neck yourself tranny

"Look guys, this author behind the source material for GoT tv series is involved with our game!"


He created characters, kingdoms,world and basic world and magic. Then had From come in with their fucked up dark fantasy stuff and had it fuck and corrupt his world.

Source: from said they were interested to find out what Martin thought about what they did with his characters.

based as fuck and fpbp

There's that one Kenneth guy who feels like an ASOIAF character


>the more he eldened,the more he ringed. The more he ringed, the eldener he grew

Lore seems fine, main problem is that it has no real characters and the maps are boring. So the world just feels like shitty Dark Souls.

Lore ranking (so far)
>Elden Ring

oh shit what do you know this is also the overall ranking of the games.

I booted this game up last night and my wife says "that is the most generic looking name ever"

>just the exact same plot again
>you are a special type of human who needs to go on a journey though a le decayed fantasy world and defeat the 4 big bads (or ARE they bad ;) ) because you’re being manipulated by LE EVIL CHURCH!! to maintain the current order but at the end you can randomly choose not to
Yikes. And they need better writers if they’re going to continue the early modern english language, you can’t just put thee and thou into normal sentence structure. It makes a fiery and commanding language just sound like confusing nonsense

Says the person crying failure at every possible opportunity

>elden ring

Souls in last please? Neck yourself please

no, that's correct. The only good Souls game is DS1, and that's half finished

The lore is absolutely kino so far dunno where you're getting this idea from.
Sekiro and DS2 had the weakest lore/world btw.

I figured they hirdd him to help them make a more cohesive world lore then realized he wasn't ever going to do anything and they just made their own regular from game.

but SotFS shits on all the other Souls games

elden isn't a word


Bloodborne had kino lore and world

he probably made the "base" lore then From's writers put it through the apocalypse. Radahn learning gravity magic to ride his tiny horse that he loves so much is pure GURM.

normalfag bait

you alright, schizo?

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huge if true