Redpill me on the performance issues on PC...

Redpill me on the performance issues on PC. I was saving up for a gaming PC but if they are so bad I'll first get a PS5 instead.

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Give it a month until the third patch on PC. Even monster rigs have stutter and slow downs like a fucking calculator.

Even Bandai already adressed it.

its the anti-cheat shit that is causing rhe issues

I'm running the pirated version with the fps unlocked "trainer".
Runs solid, with the trainer 0 stutter
I'm on a 3080ti,12700k playing at 4k.
120fps in doors, 70+ outdoor

Forgot to add: without the fps unlock it struggled to keep 60fps, even indoors. With some weird gpu spikes. Even got stuttering, but not as bad as some people claim

Anyone tried the ps4 version? Cant find a ps5. But the ps4 has a free ps5 upgrade for years down the line when they are actually available.

I also have a more than decent pc. But it’s new. And atm plugged into my living room and tv. And playing pc on my couch with just a small lap hard mat fucking blows and is super uncomfortable. And desu I most likely won’t buy a new desk soon. So pc gaming at the moment is not enjoyable at all.

stutters when you're fighting a boss
stutters and fps drops when you're riding a horse
the character models become invisible sometimes

Ryzen 7 2700x and RTX 2070.
Runs fine, but at random the frame-rate dips for a second or two outside. It's noticeable and annoying, but still reasonably playable.

Attached: Elden Ring Screenshot 2022.02.26 - (1920x1080, 1.21M)

Runs ok on high with my rx 580 8gb sapphire but there are stutter issues in the open world and some enemies are invisible unless you're right up on them. Smooth as indoors though.

I've been out of PC gaming for a while but I have a PS5 and I can tell you that the game performs very well. I've not super far in but I've encountered not a single major problem. If you're worried about performance on pc, the game ins unfortunately going to be way more optimized on a console than a pc because of how they release their games. Chances are even the ps4 will be way better for the money

I have been playing for 15 hours now, the stuttering is completely gone. It seems like it was only bad in the first zones.

My rig:
>2060 super
>Ryzen 3600
>16 gigs ram

I'm running the game at everything maxed, except grass at medium, Dof / motion blur disabled
It runs at 60 fps 99% of the time
I have some noticeable dips in the overworld, though, mostly when moving between areas

Honestly, it's nowhere near as bad as people say, but the overworld dips are annoying

I'm running a 2700x w/ 32GB of memory and an rx 5700 at 1440p.
It's a weird one. I initially got some stuttering due to shader caching, but given it just came out, valve doesn't distribute pre-compiled shaders yet, so that's expected.
But once i got to the open world, my framerate tanked despite GPU usage dropping and CPU usage not changing, even dropping from high to low made little to no difference.
I'm installing it right now in my Windows VM to se if it runs any better.
Given the reports I've seen, it just seems to be a game issue rather than a problem with Proton.

It runs like DaS3, so if you're ok with pretty solid 1080/30 that's what you get

Just wait the patch
Usually all pc ports are good.

>. I was saving up for a gaming PC but if they are so bad I'll first get a PS5 instead
Another snoy falseflagger. One game having issues doesn't justify getting a piece of shit console with $70 games, censorship, and being bound to sucking corporate cock.

Attached: 1200px-Sony_censorship_comparison.jpg (1200x856, 116.4K)

Which trainer are you referring to? I think I need it.

I'm below min. requirements and it runs smooth. Inside dungeons and caves a stable 60 fps, outside 40-50. I've had no stuttering in multiple hours of playing.

you aren't going to play this visual novel, you do not even know the name of this visual novel, and on top of that this picture is without a source and is just text placed on top of images in windows paint, you don't even know if it's real. The game objectively runs like shit on pc AND is the same price as the console version. it's a valid question for him to be asking.

I've only encounted occasional stuttering when outside in the open field. There's almost no stutters inside Stormveil Castle and I've been exploring it for like 8 hours.

Run the game in borderless widescreen to make it work. Fixes almost all issues, smooth game for me