Why are zoomers so boring to talk vidya with?

Everything is just amogusposting and le virgin vs le chad dismissiveness. I remember all the fun and autistic discussions there were around various vidya franchises and their narratives around 2000-2015 but then its like that whole generation was replaced by le ironic everything is cringe retards

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You're talking about kids who were raised on cynical YouTubers and streamers fueled by ADHD and a constant need to be 'funny'. They don't view actual discussions about video games as fun or interesting, they just want to consume the product and then make memes about it, because that's what their role-models would do.

Their role models don't make memes, they copy whatever shit their fans like and adjust it to fit the content.


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You're getting old mang

Forever Angry.
They can't buy video games, only shitty ipad games like amogus.

You're just old stop talking to kids.

Yeah. Post-irony got really fucking boring years ago, but it's all Zoomers know. Showing actual care or disdain towards anything is cringe. Everything must be muddled.

You’re either one of them, or you’re delusional. The average zoomer is literally incapable of understanding concepts such as “Post-irony”. Stop giving them credit.
You are not human, and you will never be human. You need to be eradicated.

Stay on my cock bozo

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I want to say I agree, but to be fair I haven't put any real effort into scouring the net for small forums and groups with which to discuss my interests. Really, I've only used chan sites for years now.

because there is no good vidya ya shitposting cunt

gee i wonder where they got it from

I think it's because they do not want to associate themselves with oldfarts

Most modern "gamers" just play 1 game or series
like minecraft or fortnite

>I remember all the fun and autistic discussions there were around various vidya franchises and their narratives
Don't care for a game's story, just care about the gameplay.

>europoor zoomer
>nobody my age plays fucking anything except league of legends, csgo, fifa and gta5
>end up looking like a weirdo because i play none of those

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>but then its like that whole generation was replaced by le ironic everything is cringe retards
Years of genuine contrarianism, elitism and consolewaring raised a generation of mindless shitters

Nothing is more entertaining than seeing butthurt millennials being so out of touch with a generation that they act no different than boomers.

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Then why come here?

Old men and young boys are both retarded Any Forums is just Twitter but reversed politics

Man, this must hit zoomers hard. I keep hearing that all the time watching twitchfaggotry.
They can't help not put up a facade of self-irony, the need to send one liner quips and signal how above it you are when you actually want to care and have a discussion, but that wouldn't be "cool".
It's the opposite of pretentious narcissism essays about atheism the likes of TB.

Why does Any Forums love making broad generic statements about groups but get mad when you do the same towards them?

This attitude has been infecting media for over a decade
Western writers are afraid to be sinceare

From simpsons/family guy to the next crash bandicoot game
everything has to be a joke

Also most zoomers haven't even ayed enough games. I noticed most zoomers basically grew up or attached themselves to a few games as a service type of things like Apex, Fortnite, Fallout76, trash like that. Multiplayer games that revolve around cosmetics. Since they usually play with friends they get stuck on a few games and won't play anything else so they don't get exposed to new games and thus have nothing to talk about or compare to.

Struck a nerve lol

I know that feel bro

Did Berengar deserve to die?

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What are you going to talk about with them?
Unlockable content? They just buy it now.
Favourite stages? They play Fortnite with 1 map
Secrets? They don;t care, they want their dopamine now and secrets being hidden with work to find them frustrates them. Give them battle passes instead.

Gaming is a different beast than it was. Now it's another form of consumption. Like cinema or TV.

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As a 35 year old with ADHD, all it does is make me forget everything, get easily distracted (or unable to be distracted) and incapable of pre-planning or sticking to deadlines. I wish ADHD for me was just being 'hyper active'.

>tfw grandpa Abe was right

I'm not a zoomer, but fortnite is a competitive game. You could talk for hours about strategies and progress.

Unlockables are only worth a passing remark if someone wants them I guess

Secrets are pretty obvious, you find secret, it gives you a rush, you share that experience.

God, you sound so socially stunted.

not him but you're either illiterate or dumb. hope this helps have a nice day

I feel for you zoombro. I remember looking forward to gaming club back in high school, only to find out it's just sessions of fortnite, minecraft, lol, and some sports game.
At this point, I just keep to myself and pirate games from up to 7th gen and see what I missed out on.

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>but you're either illiterate or dumb

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>fallout 76
way to be out of touch, grandpa. but e-celebs shat on the game. no way kids are gonna be attached to it.
I was in hs when it came out and only one of my friends were hyped for it because he liked the settlement and crafting autism.

They're raised on youtube so they're socially disabled, autistic and think everything needs to be a joke.

Holy reddit spacing first off.
I'm not saying Fortnite lacks any kind of meaningful depth - I'm saying that it has less to talk about. What's your favourite map is gone, what's your favourite drop is now the norm but each drop zone is destructible and all fights turn into a cover shooter ANYWHERE due to the building mechanic. So unless we're talking the very first few seconds of a game, map layout means FUCK ALL.
>Unlockables are only worth a passing remark if someone wants them I guess
Spoken like a real consoomer.
>Secrets are pretty obvious, you find secret, it gives you a rush, you share that experience.
Aye and it doesn;t happen as much any more. It's better to use that piece of dopamine candy in the store for $35.
>God, you sound so socially stunted.
Wow Mr. Psychoanalyser Extraordinaire! You figured out my social abilities based on one short post?
Turn the lights out before you project next time, you fat little twitchy zoomer gremlin.

Pic related is something you likely relate to owning someone.

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