Why are video games censored? Do censored games make more money?

Why are video games censored? Do censored games make more money?

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>draw a fucking nun
>call it a digimon
And you fuckers have the nerve to call pokemon designs uninspired and shitty

Idk we should ask that to monolith, having the best game babes on Xenoblade 2 is what make the game so great and now on Xenoblade 3 literally has all girls on burkas and wetnacks doing magic tricks, god fuck them all.

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wait but its usually lefitsts who get triggered over stuff and censor? what the fuck?

Do nuns even exist anymore in 2022?

I’ve literally never seen them outside of porn

>And you fuckers have the nerve to call pokemon designs uninspired and shitty
I don't think that has ever been the case. Even digimon fags acknowledge that digimon designs consist of
>get animal or some shit
>slap metal and guns on it
>its a digimon now.

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Actual nuns normally live cloistered or semi-cloistered existences so they don't interact with the outside as much outside of the church. They exist but aren't in the public eye specifically because of how they live.

Fun fact, both sides screech about things they don't like and want it censored they just have different reasons. Not long ago more conservative groups were throwing fits over videogames due to violence and things lime Hot Coffee or the sex scene in Mass Effect.

There's two kinds of nuns, though. The other kind, who aren't cloistered, aren't required to wear the full uniform when they go outside. You could reach for the same can of corn at the supermarket and make contact with a nun and never even know it.

What ARE nuns anyways? I know they’re related to church but I don’t know how

They're monks but women

Sisters, they're called sisters and lead much more normal lives but still dedicate much to the church.

Female equivalent to Monks, they help with charity work, maintaining their churches facilities and prayer. Depending on the order they may also make various things to sell to help support the above. They are expected to live a life devoted to God above all else.

Seems a little based

A….are you a priest? Is this some recruitment thread? How do you know so much user

Quick tell me what Bible translation one should read

No I'm not a priest, just grew up Catholic. Ditched the church, kept the knowledge and to some extent the faith.

Not him but this is common knowledge, I've never been to church and I know this lol

I played porn games and I know this user plz play better H-RPGS

To answer your question, the translation entirely depends on what you are trying to get out of reading it. The best advice I can give is research because some translations are much more a word for word from the original, while others have some bias in their wording like the one the Jehova Witnesses put out.

Christian here.
KJV only. Other translations alter the text about Jesus being God.

This kind of hyperbole is why no one will ever take this shit seriously, even if there's a legitimate basis for complaint. Grow up.

Just ignore Sony-discorders user.
Like, completely.


>Grow up.
>"Ignore propaganda"

in a thread months ago I called out digimon designs for being lazy pallete swaps/just people and one nigger went fucking ballistic
honestly as lazy as pokemon and yugioh have gotten fucking digimon has always had shitty designs

>90s and early 00s
>Calling them boomers
No they just called them retards for wanting to censor things then turned around and starting censoring the things they didn't like instead. Pretending this is just a left vs right issue is part of the problem and you need to be told that until it gets through that thick skull of yours.

I feel like people like that just shitpost for the sake of shitposting. I mean, I was in a thread the other day and said that pokemon SS still had more monsters than most other modern tamers which is true and used CS as an example and the dude went off on one about the regional variants being recolors like they are in digimon.