When will games reach this level of density?

When will games reach this level of density?

Attached: piye1l4cye341.jpg (1920x1057, 751.48K)

there are some games with tihs density already, but they are hidden form the eye

Hopefully never. The only way they'll be able to fill such a space with anything even remotely worth interacting with is via procedural generation. And that shit will invariably suck.

Yakuza series had this density

She looks pretty thin to me

Cyberpunk 2077 gave me what I wanted in density. Vigilance 2099 looks to do an even better job. Might not be good enough for the hardcore Any Forums autist but I'm cozy as a cucumber

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>Cyberpunk 2077
was a lie and a flop. they just now fixed it.

It be a nightmare to program for and bug test. You want a living breathing world. That's still a dream. only GTA has come close to touching that. Everyone else is clones. One day but probably not in our life times.

Probably not for a long while until you can just get an AI to sculpt and texture stuff sufficiently. The thing is, it's not just having a bunch of buildings and narrow roads around. Games have that already, but having each building be unique in its own way and explorable to some degree that's the golden goose.

Ascent somewhat achieved that. If only it was third person or first person.

games that run at a buttery smooth 3 fps

Games delivers experience. Fillings cities with nonsensical content is silly. Check any open world western games. Map is full of padding and fillers.

Content as to be good and curated, not copy pasted.

A game on that level of scale would require a nightmarish amount of processing and graphical power to run and render. Consider how bad Cyberpunk was and it has probably 1/100th of the detail your screenshot alone has. If we're talking Blade Runner 2049's Los Angeles level, probably not for centuries assuming we don't go extinct by then.

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>Get a high rise apartment on like the top floor or like a penthouse suite
>Put bed/mattress really close to the giant window overlooking the whole city

Wow, OP, that sure is futuristic and hard to replicate or imagine doing.

why not both? What are the chances you'll get in a Japanese high rise with a naked tyoko native chick in your bed? Or would you rather grind away at your desk doing whateverthefuck for mr/mrs whomeverthefuck?

Do both.

When we stop designing them to work on consoles.

Games have been able to render a room with a static background/skybox for like 25 years.


why is future art always in gook land?

Cyberpunk is literally neon asian letters at night in the rain, bro.

he's talking about actually going to the building and inside the building over yonder. not running into a invisible wall or a barrier where you can't reach it.

I wish that game leaned harder into the role-playing game aspect. It was almost everything I ever wanted... then it turned into Ruiner

Cyberpunk 2077 already did it.

Check out 2000AD comics

unironically never.