Tyler McVicker hate thread

Tyler McVicker hate thread
>all his valve "news" either has no real substance or nothing at all
>low testosterone
>worst kind of leftist grifter

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Don't care

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i liked the thread where some gaming news tweet ended with "according to tyler mcvicker" and 50% of the thread was people greentexting that part with a disapproving reaction image.

Fuck off don't post that fugly shit on my board

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> I built my brand off the back of nerds reading through SteamDB updates without crediting them! When I tried to get a degree in CS to do this work myself, I couldn't and dropped out!

post the slug edits

>finds community project, game, etc etc
>shills it for ad-revenue
>moves onto the next thing
he's doing it with cyberpunk, what game next? my best guess is fallout

whats a grifter. Esl btw

>whats a grifter
You're better off not knowing, it traumatized me for life

oh no

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Surprised he never jumped into the FromSoft bin. Probably too saturated?
> Fallout
Bethesda is one of his favorite game companies so it's not very far off. Wouldn't be surprised if it's something weird like Remedy Entertainment leading up to Alan Wake 2 or something.

fuck off tyler

back when he was sperging about tf2 and hl3 'leaks' he tried doing a bethesda and nintendo news network. both flopped. but i'm sure his new style will work

Yep, he did this back when YT algorithm rewarded having multiple channels funneled into 1 network, now it's not like that.

How come he knew nothing about the portal deck game until it was announced? He's supposed to have inside sources.

Why does he keep making cybershit videos they get literally no views. No one cares about that shit game.

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because valve has blacklisted him after he kept leaking his shit. all his 'internal' sources were mostly bullshit anyway

A grifter is someone who holds their political opinions solely to profit off of movements. They don't genuinely hold the opinions. Tyler, as much of a retard as he is, isn't a grifter.

ok now go look up the word grifter in a dictionary

glad I dropped him, I knew there was something mentally ill about him but couldn't place my finger on it

you'd have to have some kind of illness to obsessively follow a company that barely even puts out games anymore for as long as he has

it's his living. how else is he gonna buy funkopops and tf2 skins?

Grifter is another name for scammer, con-artist, etc.

Can he take some time out of his day for some personal grooming? At the very least take a shower.

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Why would I hate him I don't even know who this is?

Stop making threads about yourself Tyler.

Could turn this guy into the next Nickocado Avocado.

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Dude no one gives a fuck about mcnigger anymore. It's quite clear that he's been hard blacklisted by valve and now he's just scraping trying to latch himself like a leech onto cyberpunk of all things.

Everytime he started to lose traction he would leak something he was not supposed to. His biggest fuck up was fucking livestreaming a beta build for HLA, that was probably the point where valve went full fuck you and made every employee blacklist him.
Its also obvious hes bitter about it, all he does nowadays is talk trash about valve and try to push his shitty politics into it, most recently hes been complaining that valve is a sausage party and that girl employees leave sooner than guy employees.