What the fuck was this assholes problem? did video games rape his wife or something?

What the fuck was this assholes problem? did video games rape his wife or something?

Attached: Lieberman.jpg (800x946, 113.45K)

Boomers are bitter they aren't in their prime and slaying hot chick pussy, so they are determined to make everyone else's' life miserable

Boomers have severe lead poisoning

what did he do, complain about video games?
if that's it, then he was obviously completely right and we should have listened to him, but it's too late now and im learning Chinese this year

Some people absolutely kvetch when they get old and the world is no longer something they recognise. This guy just had the means to throw a tantrum about it


He's right, though. Video games are the reason I'm still a virgin at 30.

Uhh president slick jimmy doesn’t look to good here what happened?

geriatrics are basically toddlers, you leave the world the same way you came in

At least with GTA I could understand normies find the senseless killing and violence against police to be objectionable, but Lieberman spent a lot of time going after Night Trap if I remember.

The bad guys always felt like Power Rangers goons and I don't remember anything explicit. I remember they put like a weird claw around peoples necks, or something? I think he straight up lied and said this was a game where you killed women.

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Politicians will demonize whatever they believe is the easiest target in order to advance their own career.

so which youtuber made a video about the 1990s video game violence hearings? i know OP is gen z.

Wasn't the goal of the game to save the girls?

Boomers would unironically see bits and pieces of a game and outright lie about them. I remember seeing something about some country banning Rule of Rose after the trailer released saying it was a game where you just rape and kill a girl. They just get offended by something and just fucking lie.

He was a jew that didn't play by the jews rules.
He didn't explicitly describe the jews plans but he revealed their target. It's also why he said fuck it and went republican

I did and I'm the representative of all gamers

Yeah, it's called Night Trap because you're supposed to activate a bunch of traps around the house to stop the vampires who are invading the house.

Guy just straight up lied.

Attached: steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net.jpg (1024x576, 54.32K)

Reminder that Nintendo threw everyone else under the bus and bet that the industry was about to get heavily regulated.

>“In the past year, some very violent and offensive games have reached the market, and of course I’m speaking about Mortal Kombat and Night Trap,” Lincoln told the Senate committee. “And let me say that for the record, I want to state that Night Trap will never appear on a Nintendo system. Obviously it would not pass our guidelines. This game … which promotes violence against women, simply has no place in our society.”

I actually thank him. If it weren't for him, the ESRB would not have been formed and Nintendo would still have that stupid policy where everything on it's consoles had to be family friendly.

He was absolutely right, why should Sega have been allowed to sell Night Trap next to Sonic without warning? We put ratings on movies for a reason.

>Night Trap will never appear on a Nintendo system
l m a o

Attached: night-trap-25th-anniversary-edition-import.jpg (1166x1888, 1.08M)

He's getting a 100 year jail sentence for perjury.