Which game has the worse schizo?

Which game has the worse schizo?

Attached: schizo.png (660x436, 681.6K)

What do you mean by schizo?

I'd seriously watch artifact schizo match up in a boxring with the Fallout 3 pajeet.

final fantasy xv.

New Vegas schizo completely destroys every Fallout thread (though I saw him get ignored in the classic Fallout thread). Half-Life schizo doesn't appear in most threads or just keeps to his own threads.

Have you seen any Half-Life tranny players? No. Then the answer is obviously New Vegas.

Which new Vegas schizo? The one that spams this board with memes or the one that spams this board with cancerous opinions?

You for needing to make multiple threads complaining about them instead of simply accepting criticism of your beloved games.


Attached: Shirtless.png (800x600, 630.66K)

Attached: 71wBY24G9sL._AC_SL1192_.jpg (1192x830, 190.9K)

Which of the two are you schizo?

How did 1 Any Forums "character" manage to make this game more insufferable to talk about than Kingdom Hearts and FF7 combined, not even ACfag reaches these levels of pedantic

But OP said worse, not best

according to /khg/, me

Anyone else notice that these schizos always have horrible tastes in videogames?
If these faggots used their autism to stop gacha or movie game discussion then they would be tolerable.

schizos are always right

>fallout 3 pajeet
>artifact schizo
>half life schizo
>nomura schizo
>disco elysium thread spammer
in a fight between all of them, who would win?

The NITW schizo would quickscope them from 500 meters away then bunnyhop over and teabag their corpse
I love that man (no homo)

>See schizo thread
>Start dumping vidya related story times
>Mods don't don't stop me because they know i'm helping
>Schizo seethes and screams
Best feeling

The Zelda one(s?) are pretty gay desu

Half life autist used to be the original NV/obsidian autist. The ESLtard is a joke compared to him. He's unironically the biggest autist on this entire board. He'll spend a good amount of time focusing on a game before a new one triggers his autism. He was so butthurt about NV threads that he started spambotting them during 2018. Even got called out by mods themselves during his PoE2 meltdown.