Skywalker saga thread

Is this the most based game coming out this year?

Post mains and wishes

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first game in many years i've eagerly awaited, it looks SO good

Any chance of crossplay?

i think i'll make it my mando simulator
just travel across the saga planets with grogu

I don't think theres online multiplayer. Only couch co op

>Disney wars

I can't imagine that's true.

I hope Lop is one of the DLC characters.

>Wah wah sequels suck wah wah!!
Phantom menace and attack of the clones are genuinely worse then all sequel films.

Hi disney shill. How much are you getting paid

Terrible bait.

These are Lego games user, couch co-op is how it's always been

Yes, but it's also 2022. Not including online coop would be burning money for no reason.

Think she’ll make it in?

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I want to fly around as Jango Fett and shoot rockets at people.

Side note, why has Lego not made a Jango Fett Slave 1 since 2002

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I remember TT saying they will never go the online route to keep it family friendly as much as possible, I wish they would though

Level/side mission variety
Character creator

>But muh prequels!!!!
They're kino compared to Disney shit

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It's not going to be fun. Games are no longer made with fun in mind. We can't go back.

Damn that sucks

Does Yoda still have the weird death yell?

That doesn't even make sense.
Playing Lego games online is...anti family? I guess they're just going to whip and naynay on children of divorce.

No agenda/PC bullshit, but who am I kidding we all know it'll be shoved in there somewhere

shut the fuck up retard

that's my main concern as well. I'll be lurking on Any Forums during release to have an idea before buying it