What's the point of buying a high end gaming pc when developers don't even optimize their games properly for them

What's the point of buying a high end gaming pc when developers don't even optimize their games properly for them

Attached: vrla-aurora1.png (500x500, 68.43K)

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I use my pc for far more than games.

You can go longer without replacing it.

That's why I'm a console chad. I can run Elden Ring on my old xbox one

They usually do, it's just that they release the games before they're properly tested. I know, boo hoo, it sucks. But it's the way it is now.

My clunker of a laptop from 2014 plays it better than that lmao

That's why you don't need the absolute best computer possible if you're mostly going to play games on it. Then you wait a while for them to patch the game and for it to go on sale and everything is fine.

Stay on console, we don't need more retards

prove it

This is such a PC Reddit race cope. Most people do not require a computer as a powerful as a gaming PC to do their work/school/daily tasks.

If you think about it, PC lads are no different than gearheads.

I want to build a PC for video editing but graphics cards are scalped for the foreseeable future. I might use an APU instead

My acer K series has a 950m and runs at about these framerates.
Also the Steam Deck plays Elden Ring just fine.
There's a reason nobody but consolefags believed the minimum requirements actually being a 580 and 8th gen i7.

Beats me. PC is an afterthought to most companies.

imagine being a computer illiterate drone who thinks excel spreadsheets is the pinnacle of performance demand

laptops don't have gpus, shitposterkun

RTX 2060s are down to the $400 range where I live.

Game devs are paid off by Nvidia to keep their games unoptimized so more people will buy high GPUs. You wouldn't be likely to buy a new GPU if your 1060 6GB can play almost everything just fine. But if something like Elden Ring were to run like shit and not even get 30FPS on low, you'd HAVE to go and buy a 3060 Ti.


Attached: 1599676697241.jpg (640x640, 45.3K)

Dudes I want to make a PC for premiere pro and after effects with a 12700k what other parts should I throw in there mainly motherboard and power supply I already know I'm gonna get 32gb ram and 2 1TB nvmes I think I'm gonna hold off on a graphics card until they become more affordable

>computer illiterate
I don’t think you understand the computing needs of the average Joe. Not saying *you* personally don’t need a lot of horse power. But for the overwhelming majority of people who do work on a computer, it’s overkill. So the selling point of “you can do more than game on a gaming PC” is a little disingenuous.