Elden Ring releases same day as Russia invades my country. :(

Elden Ring releases same day as Russia invades my country. :(

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no NOOO i wanna play Alan Wake 2

What happened to all the Ukrainians who said Russia werent going to invade?

Not my problem.

>literal who on twitter: dude trust me

>Noooo only we can have bases all other the world especially at our enemies borders pretending to be the good guys
Fuck NATO.

Russians are the incels of races.

Kek is Putin retarded?

Fuck eurabia

I was wrong :/

they better not fuck with finland

That was Russian shills trying to make Biden look bad because ">hurr Russia peaceful masterstrategy mindgames there will be no war AKTULLY the USA is the fascists" shit

Based Russia. Nuke all these trannies.

Old alcoholic pidor can't get it up and lashes out against the world.

Fuck you Sergei and your degenerate mama

fug :D


Learn to green text retard

Biden doesnt need help to look bad, he does a good job himself

We are not joining JEWTO

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Nive try faggot American. But you're hated by waaaaaay more countries than just Russia. Take your NATO and shove it up your ass.


Play like a madman before you get drafted

well keep safe and learn to recognize the signs. Fucks sake i live half a world away and i still saw this shit coming
Why did this place have to become full of shills who do it for free.

If you're a Sweden then you deserve it. Your faggotry is why the left in my country is so fucking retarded as it is

Russia annexes Finland and Sweden, then Russia becomes a vassal of China

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We are joining to NATO!

Biden makes himself look bad

globohomoniggers on suicide watch

>you're hated by waaaaaay more...
lol literally everyone hates your wrecked to shit mud country little monkey

>who do it for free
Because they are actually paid to do it

Your shithole empire is collapsing and everyone who's not a reddit liberal in western europe or north america is celebrating. Hell, even rightwingers in your own country hate your country now. The one group that you should be able to rely on being patriotic retards think your regime are pedophile demons and want them to fall. Good job on that anti-white pro-faggot pro-zionist campaign, really helped you in the long run!

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Reminder that Russians are NOT white.
There arn't even Serb, they are pesudwhite Mongol mutts.

Having ancestors raped by swarthy brown chinks have destroyed their genetics related to intelligence, willpower and emotion control, creating a new race of subservient humanoid creatures that have a instinctual need for a dictator to tell them what to do.

Their skin is a pinkish shade, but they are not white because they do not have white facial features. Russians look like in-bred monkeys, just look at Putin. His head is radically dis-morphed; sagging, misshapen, nothing like western Europeans of natural stock.

Yes user, everyone who does not support your hated political order that invades the world and invites the victims to destroy civilization is a russian/chinese spy. Tell me, is one of these spies hiding in the walls right now?

>russia Any Forums
>ukraine reddit
nice brain (or script) you got there ivan

>Russian propaganda thinks European countries are at their knees because of COVID and jews.
Did you even have money to buy Elden Ring?

>Winter War 2.0

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Putin smells the weakness of the EU he could easily remake the USSR and they won't do nothing

You mean niggers. Literally the niggerest country.

putin's been kissing that chink ass for years
he does everything in china's favor