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there literally is a ray of guiding light kek

>it's an accessibility issue!
Retards filtered, based fromsoft. Should have the screen randomly strobe bright lights every 5 minutes too

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Man when did people start to be such lazy assisted ducks, why do they want all of the work, fun, and meaning sucked out of things for immediate gratification's sake to the point where everything becomes a menial tasks?

>doesn't have time/too busy excuses
>posting on Twitter
>probably have 6+ hours of screen time daily

Honestly with the light marks on the map telling me where the main quest is, the only thing I'm having trouble remembering is places I need to go back to. I will say that I'm already bored of the Dial-a-Dungeon stuff. It feels like I'm playing a bunch of user maps instead of regular Dark Souls levels.

It's only for the main quest and it doesn't occur for everything
Fuck the whiners though

>I play vidya to relax
these niggers need to be nuked. vidya is not for relax, go watch a fucking movie if you want to relax

>I have to fucking figure out myself what I'm supposed to do next?

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>I don't have time to figure out things on my own!
>I have to post on twitter for hours on end
mental illness is one hell of a drug

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I'm surprised so many are complaining about this, it's the first time in a game I've never felt like the "open world" was just me going from point A to B in a straight line. And all you really need to make notes of is if you left one of those small dungeons without clearing it or finding an area with enemies you aren't strong enough to deal with like the Riverbed in the well which you can go to as soon as you start the game

Not just for the main quest
I had rays of light point to me to mini-dungeons before (not the caves, and not the blue light

Stupid people being bad at games is just a fact of life, user.

Good open world games that aren't cluttered with thousands of ubisoft map markers and side quest shit are actually very relaxing to play. At least for me. That's one of the reasons why I'm enjoying ER a lot so far. It's one of those few good open world games that has enough confidence in its world that it allows the player to experience some downtime without anything major happening other than just riding around the landscape and exploring. The last open world game that gave me this feeling was Red Dead Redemption 1.

Notice how there are no legitimate arguments for why quest markers make a game worse ITT. It's all just
>B-B-Buh old games didn't used to have quest markers!!

The fuck is he talking about.

I guess you can picture it like botw.

In botw, you climb up ubisoft towers and have a big view of the world, you have places on the map to go to but theyre so fucking far away you might as well explore the other shit you find and take your own path, instead of just head straight there, there's a shit ton of things along that long path, fuck, even ubisfot games did this.

The problem with elden ring is that these distances are way too close to another and you dont feel that sense of largeness, it feels like it's a short distance from one to another not a grandious journey, so thats sense of exploration is dimmed, it's just walk 20 seconds to next bonfire.
Don't get me wrong I don't hate elden ring, i bought it, it's just that the bonfires are way too close and it just feels like walk from A to B instead of go on this long ass journey with twists and turns to B.
They needed less bonfires in this game.

what shocks me is how easy those retards are filtered


Exploration is fun. People who whine about actually having to look for shit can just use a walkthrough.

don't forget to take your ritalin zoomie

At times, it feels like there are bonfires every 30 feet, and at times you cross half the map and there’s nothing.

>Make game an Ubisoft open world and attach GRR Martin to attract normies and put off spergs
>Still use finicky Souls combat and "mystery-enhancing" features like having no text log or quest log or waypoints
Pick a lane, FROM. Either you make a deeply mysterious and opaque game spergs will gladly suffer through or you make a simple mindless open world game for normies to "explore" with no stumbling blocks. You can't have it both ways

t. Not getting the game because open world games are cancer

post the whole tweet you fag

>Pick a lane, FROM. Either you make a deeply mysterious and opaque game spergs will gladly suffer through or you make a simple mindless open world game for normies to "explore" with no stumbling blocks. You can't have it both ways
According to who ?

>i already dont enjoy souls games
why are you getting it then??

What shocks me is how "proud" they are of being filtered
>I'm not retarded, I just don't have enough free time to use my brain

>I'm literally a walking template of an excuse for a human being with no inherent sense of rhythm to speak of, but my opinion on music theory should still be considered for some reason

I know what you mean, but they really should've done that sense of largeness by not having bonfires that close at the start at least.

Theres like 3 bonfires in the tutorialI alone, one at the church, one at the wolves cave, one in front of the bridge with the giant and one after it.
They should make all this two bonfires.
One in the tutorial, in case you die, and another at the church since you buy shit and smith there.
You should just get the statue at the cave and nothing before or after the giant bridge.

Personally I love old rpgs and gamebooks where you have to make some note of things as you go along.

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According to the basic concept of marketing a product. If audience A hates the thing that attracts audience B, and audience B hates the thing that attracts audience A, then trying to attract both means you'll attract neither.

How would a metronome help in a rhythm game when there's already music in perfect time? A metronome helps you stay on one rhythm while actually playing music, if the music is pre-recorded a metronome serves no purpose.

>The quality of a game depends on the basic concept of marketing a product
You're a mega retard.

Making your own maps for games is fun. Up until you get to warp panels with no visual indicators, that shit gets annoying in a hurry.