The stuttering issue makes no sense, it happens in little areas of the game...

The stuttering issue makes no sense, it happens in little areas of the game, there's a small part of field where no matter what I do, where I look it stutters like mad even I'm looking at the grass. Some fights are perfect.

Tree sentinel stutters like fucking crazy if I'm on foot, do the same fight on TorrentThisGame and there's not a single dropped frame

What the fuck is going on?

Attached: Stuttering.jpg (1280x720, 305.94K)

Japanese developer

Poor optimization, is this your first fromsoft game?

Works on my machine.

You wouldn't have this problem if you had a decent PC.

I played for a couple of hours on my rig (32gb ram, ryzen 3700x, 2070super) and it goes well beyond 60 frames per sec with all maxed out in 1440p. You poorfags should, in this order, get a job and kill yourselves.

Why are journalists giving this game such high scores on PC? It's broken, the port is unplayable, it shouldn't have been released in this abysmal state.
I have a 3060 Ti, R5 5600x with 32gb of ram and the game stutters really bad. Sometime it straight up freezes for a second or two, the controller support is janked, the 60fps lock is a joke, no DLSS, crashes. I refunded it after 30 minutes of play time, I cba for shit ports anymore.

Most of them mention they had poor PC performance too, laughable

Or just buy the far superior PS5 for this particular title, quarter of the price for better performance

The performance is pretty mediocre on ps5 too

can confirm. The FPS dips constantly but the stutters are not present. It's smoother on PC, but it stutters on PC. It's not as smooth on PS5 but it's more consistent.

This is such a lie omfg how do you even find the time to do it? Shouldn’t you be dilating or something?

>imagine giving money for a trannystation
No thanks.

>What the fuck is going on?
You're playing on PC when you should be playing on PS5.

Shader issues, probably.

>well beyond 60 frames per sec
The game has a 60 fps cap you stupid fucking favela monkey. Put more effort into your shitposting.

>Trying this hard to justify wasting money on a plebstation5
You snoys are truly pathetic.

PS5 version is dog shit too lol, they have to buy the PS4 version on PS5 to get even playable framerates

I wouldn't say it's unplayable on ps5 but it's pretty damn jarring compared to ps4 version on ps5


Just put it on borderless windowed. I haven't had any stuttering in hours do far