I should love it

>i should love it
>big fan of fromsoft
>love souls and ac etc
>this game looked pretty cool from the teaser
>get it
>it's beautiful
>cool lore and world
>can't help feel disappointed but can't pinpoint what it is exactly

Attached: Elden-Ring-Cover.jpg (1400x700, 74.79K)


How do you easily compare armor stats in shop vs what youre wearing? You cant. So many steps back from previous games.


You subconsciously saw the patters. Same bullshit story, same gameplay, same itemisation, same assets, same stupid gloomy setting, same crappy NPC and stupid ye olde english. Its boring and it lacks creativity. Where the fuck is Martin's writing? I bet Miyazaki thought it wasn't jap enough so he threw in samurai and other jap crap and butchered it for the japanese audience.

This game is for hacks

I bet you're one of the people saying that everybody calling it a dark souls 3 mod is a tranny. The game lacks identity or anything unique.

I've seen this post 7 times already holy shit

playing 3 hours and not found a single weapon, shield or piece of armour. Seems like there are less items around, just loads of crafting materials

It's because the game has stellar art direction but its the same shit we've seen before in the gameplay department

wut, in 3 hours i found the royal greatsword at the crossroad and got the grave duelist's hammer for beating him.

Shazamtards are schizo'ing out right now.

We're basking in the victory. Reviews gagged, subreddits in damage control. streamers dropping the game, people can't even play it, gamebreaking glitches and bugs everywhere. Consoles haven't even come out yet. Imagine how badly its going to run on older consoles

The game has a glaring lack of content, innovation and creativity. It's a mediocre game. Shazamchads can't stop winning


You just described Cyberpunk 2077. Not Elden Ring.

Can you really say you're winning when you're that depressed and miserable that you spend your days on the internet hoping things you don't like fail to spite others? Wow you're so basking in that victory!

>You just described Cyberpunk 2077. Not Elden Ring
OHNONONONONO Eldensisters.....
Sorry mate, same thing all over again. Shazamchads won
>You spend your days on the internet hoping things you don't like fail to spite others
Elden Ring is an overhyped joke. A recycled mess of assets and zero creativity. Please. tell me where GRR Martin's writing is. It's not a good game, eldenshill

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I know this word is improperly a lot by redditors, just like "Dunning Kruger" and shit, but for real this time: gaslighting. The constant partisan negativity of this place got to your head and made you dislike something that you would have otherwise liked.
>I am enjoying this, but people told me it is bad. Am I wrong in enjoying this? I cannot enjoy this
The purpose of shazamtranny shilling was getting into your head and that's literally what it did.
It's time to internet detox for a while, it begins with influencing your enjoyment of media, then gets to your perception of the world and the self - you will be ruined. The worms seek entrance to your intestines. Run.

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>anons please tell me why I don't like this game

It gives me something to do before i can kill chaos

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fpbp, underrated

all of this doom posting about elden ring being a shit pile has got to be a tranny raid on Any Forums, it is running flawlessly for me and I haven't encountered a single bug yet. fucking Any Forums lives in a bizarro world

Forgot about the
>shitposting guidelines
>heavy use is permitted during launch day

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I already asked for a refund, this game is just so fucking boring. I loved ds1, ds2, ds3, and BB but holy shit elden ring is just so vapid.

ALL of the tension is removed by having respawn points 2 feet away from literally everything and 99% of the enemies are actual braindead AI that will miss you half of the time if you just stand still.

You're part of the minority. Everyone, including streamers with the best rigs are having stuttering issues

It's what I expected and I'm a little disappointed.

Same thing with all open world games. There's no fun in "exploring" when the world is just a giant mass of nothing and "crafting ingredients"

The dark souls games had fun exploration because exploring lead you somewhere relevant and worthwhile. And when it didn't it wasn't that far off the path and usually had a few things to kill and items to pick up anyways.

I spent 2 hours today playing. And 80% of it was running around an open field looking for something. And it was a bunch of fucking nothing.
There were 3 dungeons with piss easy bosses, then I killed the dude with mold on his face and called it a day.

The combat is fine but God I fucking hate open world meme.

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