What's the best evil army to guiltlessly kill?

What's the best evil army to guiltlessly kill?

Attached: Nazisaliensorcsdemonsrobotszombies.png (731x486, 681.7K)

elden ring spammers

>still no pirates
>still no ninjas
>no urban thugs

>still no commies
Antifoids malding

Nazis, but only when they help you to defeat a greater danger just like in Metal Slug X and Jojos part 2


Aliens. Fuck aliens. Earth belongs to humans.


Fuck off

Why would you want to kill pirates? They be badass.

kys tranny

Those fuckin nazis in the ukraine

A legion of seething, dilating trannies would be hilarious to cut down


Zombies (you're doing them a favor, this goes for any undead) and robots

I'm surprised you didn't add Russian soldiers to be more topical and farm 3x the (You)'s.

Try harder next time.

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That would be Any Forumsbait.

Russians are faggots who will die of HIV anyway

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bugs are the most satisfying to slaughter. fuck bugs.

Gears of War was a pretty awesome game.

Zombies have no redeeming qualities, they're just mindless entities that go from meal to meal and are never cute or endearing. The rest might have something positive however small that might make you reconsider killing them but zombies practically never do

Librarians or AAHW

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More like cum-on-u-next bby ;)

The redeeming quality of zombies is that they aren't necessarily evil, they're just acting on their nature.

I don't even register robots as "killing".

So is adding nazis but not commies.

i'm still sorta pissed that jeb is ded.


There are no games about killing communists.


Really makes you think.

You don't need to add commies to a pic for it to not be Any Forumsbait.

>Zombies are never cute

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It really doesn't. Why would you make a game about killing people just for wanting to raise taxes?

Burger King’s that way, Amerifat

Those aren't zombies, they're idols

You kill plenty of thieves in the GTA games though?

Non sequitur