It's over

It's over

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Why do people play games on release instead of waiting for bug fixes?
You might get the game cheaper and will have an overall better experience.

r/eldenring is panicking right now lol
it went from
>why game run so bad :( this sucks :(

let me guess, no chinese version

they're hiding the dislikes hahahaha

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Nioh 2 was pretty rough at launch but they got it working with a couple of patches.

This. Many years of shit ports, hype machines and botched launches should have warned people about this. I'll probably play ER about two weeks from now.

>reviewing the game already
I thought steamfags were better than this.

I was hoping to get in on the launch co-op/pvp, but oh well. Time to refund and wait a month for modders to fix everything.

>reviewing the game when not even the refund time has ended

Steamfags will review anything after a single second of playtime because steam awards are more important to them than playing the game.


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I can't believe it, the mustard race got KEKed by From AGAIN.

When will you morons learn to just buy a PS5?

>Play game for 2 minutes

If you have to spend more than few minutes tinkering with settings and still get bad performance, then yes, you can review the game and warn potential customers about the issues.

>The issue is that you're PC is fucking bad despite the system requirements so the best option is to review the game poorly

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to be fair they haven't been this bad with PC since DS1

they literally just nuked all the reviews

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Elden Ring? More like "Smell then fling (out the window because it's a piece of shit)" kek

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You should probably go back


you really tried
everyone excuse this user, he probally has autism

Dicked by EAC again. So much for that Steam Deck Verified claim.

>you really tried
>everyone excuse this user, he probally has autism

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>Stutters on the first fucking tree knight
What a pile of shit

Shouldn't be allowed. If they're not willing to invest the time and money to launch a product that works for the majority of customers, then they should have to face the natural consequences. Deleting reviews is just a workaround for not thoroughly playtesting their game in the first place.

This is the biggest testament of how much of a joke the pc "master race" Any Forumstards are. Only a tiny fraction of the PC userbase has actually a beastly PC and can brag about being superior to consoles

Enjoy paying $60/year to use your own internet

I'm still finishing sekiro

Deleting reviews never works. Just give it time. It's probably not that

If the game is not fucking working then yes.

wdym? It's stuttering on my 2060 SUPER and Ryzer 3600

The majority of these mustard race cucks are kids playing on a laptop mommy bought them or NEETs running a budget build that was modern when Obama was still President.

People with good PCs are having problems. Stop defending companies and corporations for not doing their job. Only in gaming is releasing shoddy products allowed and encouraged by the consumers and press.

I took the week off for this. I feel so empty inside bros. What do I do now?

>Only a tiny fraction of the PC userbase has actually a
Why is it always the ESLs

how were PC reviewers able to play it if its so broken? It's just people with toasters.


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>Why do people play games on release instead of waiting for bug fixes?
and tell us, how are they supposed to issue patched with bug fixes if no one finds these bugs cause no one plays games on release?
i understand waiting for bug fixes, but people need to understand that is thanks to those who buy on release that the bug fixes patches exist in the first place

The port sucks, user, it's not the hardware's fault, but the inept programmers.
There are reviews of people saying that it is not possible to navigate the menus with keyboard and mouse because the guys force the use of the controller in certain parts.
People with PCs that are 4-5x more powerful than a PS5 dealing with shitty performance.
The PC version is a disaster.

Reflect on the important lesson your learned today. Always take the week after launch week off when dealing with japanese PC ports.

Play a good game

I'm playing on a fucking laptop and had no issues. Wtf?

they're retarded consoomers, duh

You should have waited at least a week. Stop falling for hype machines, play other games, you don't need to play day one when the problems are at their worst. These companies don't bother and want you to eat shit.

Sony wins again baybay

Sometimes you're better off with worse hardware

gotta consoom bro

enjoy user. its superb

why do games release in a broken and unplayable state? if the product isn't finished, they shouldn't take money for it.

Maybe they should release their game in a decent state? They could have also just delayed the PC version slightly

>Beat genichiro at 3am last night
I'm ready

how does it run bad on pc if it runs on xbox, which has the same OS and worse hardware?

Actually, developing on consoles, even xbox is different from PC. Namely: unified memory.

It's just a shit port.

wtf i'm going back to genshin


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See and user's potato laptop They probably did some gross things that run bad on unified memory and terrible on PCIE.

When the guys at Digital Foundry said that the best way to play the game at the moment is to run the PS4 version on a PS5, I think we should have realized what a disaster the performance of this shit is.

There were reviewers talking about how the port was broken days ago.
There were dozens of threads about it.

they fucking disabled the reviews in steam, i can no longer get them to load

Shut it down

Claims that they were deleted, but I don't think developers even have the power to do that do they? Or else "review bombing" wouldn't be a real issue. Steam probably stepped in themselves because the game literally just came out.

It is slow because there are more than 1 million buyers and a large amount of them are not even able to run the game.

How does MHW use massive amounts of CPU at 30fps when that shit runs on an Xbone.

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