Downloading this bad boy

Downloading this bad boy.
What am I in for?

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Terraria but shit

I have 15 hours logged in Terraria.
How is Starbound worse?

Terraria but what you build doesn't matter

Becoming a femboy and sucking dick all day like every other Starbound player

i tried it twice in the past and uninstalled both times right after landing. it just not something i'd want to play or expect it to play like it does.

Sneeding feeder seeders breaking chucks bucks hanging trannies killing kikes

Elden Ring.

A plot written by a 4 year old.
I am NOT joking. They let a toddler write the plot, hense the intergalactic space granny saving the universe.

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Hey that's exactly what I did when I got Sexbound too

Mine was a Floran

Boredom unless you install the sex mods

Stars abound

so massive dead-on-arrival disappointment at 20 fps, got it

Nothing to do. Go to randogen planets with nothing remarkable vs terraria which has bosses and cool shit

>install the sex mod
>nothing will ever happen because NPCs don't use the sex enabled furniture
>have to install a second sex mod to force NPCs to get horny
even the mod design is half assed!

somehow it was better when it was in early access...

a good game

Terraria but fun

It really wasn't. There just was hope.
I still remember sitting in literal tears from yawning too hard digging down at the speed of molasses with a fucking pickaxe for some orange crystals through the empty underground with nothing to even bother me because all enemies it had were walking tards and flying tards with no AI and farting sounds. Absolutely dreadful, nightmarish game launch experience.
Then you just rob the surface of samey planets occasionally throwing away 999 weapons that look and behave same way to clean inventory, and craft some "bait" to summon nonsense boss and rinse and repeat.
Jesus what a shit fucking game holy shit

You need to download a shit ton of mods, but its still better than terraria

This is the same shit plaguing risk of rain 2 on the opposite end
>Game has plenty of content
>They add a final boss which you can ignore and just continue looping
>People who said day 1 "if this is the only content, this is fine" are now saying "OMG IT WAS SO MUCH BETTER WHEN IT FIRST CAME OUT AND HAD WORSE BALANCE, 2 LEVELS, 1/6TH OF THE CHARACTERS, FEWER ITEMS AND NO FINAL BOSS!"

You get to experience blissful ignorance of the abject disappointment you're playing.
Maybe you'll have fun. Hopefully you don't realize what everyone lost in the end.