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get Mana Clash on morri or wynne and turn them to red mist instantly

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I see no reason not to genocide mages in the dragonverse

There's an ability called Mana Clash that destroys mages get it asap with a mage of your own

This. Mages might as well not be in the game since mana clash exist. They get instantly deleted the second you see them and you dont even have to do anything if you set tactics

>gets a fireball explode in the middle of your party
heh, nothing personnel

good morning sir

I don't use overpowered shit like mana clash or arcane warrior it trivializes too much of the game.

Mid/lategame spell.
Early on I use force field and paralyze on them to let my rogue get close to them for some quick backstabbing.

from what i've experienced, mana clash is balanced by crashing the game every other time you use it

>curse of mortality
>lmao guess your entire party dies, good luck next time
This is why you always bumrush the wizards. It gets way easier when you unlock champion, because war cry will let you stun the entire enemy encounter.

>my rogue
What are you, gay? I bet you play as an elf, too.

what? you'll get 33magic before you leave lothering and have stats to spare

I play as Dorf

If you play as mage yourself maybe, but min-maxing morrigan or wynne to this point is rather difficult early on.

I've always done 2h and dual wield builds. Is archer fun? Does it deliver the big crits?

My penis delivers the big crits to your mom's pussy haha gottem

Dwarf Noble is a stupid origin because it doesn't let you reclaim your birthright. You can literally prove that you were framed by Bhelen but you still need to let either your faggot brother take the throne AFTER HE LEFT YOU TO DIE FOR SOMETHING HE DID or put in Mr.Marshmallow in the throne

Human Nobles get to not only kill Howe, but they get to own his fief, Amaranthine. And even then, your original land, Highever, is safely with your brother.


Put Templar on one of your warriors then use Smite on them.

What's wrong with having magic?

DA:O makes mages as overpowered in gameplay as they are in lore. I like it. I wish more games did that. It's sad when magic has to be held back in combat because it needs to be balanced with some unga bunga and his little sword.

>Is archer fun? Does it deliver the big crits?
Kinda In the lategame, but he's not a DPS monster.
Archer is a snoozefest in Origins because all you do is autoattack. 90% of his active skills are useless and you'll lose lots of DPS while aiming for 3 seconds with some crappy debuff or a guaranteed crit shot.

You do know that in dragon age, mages literally destroyed heaven right? I'm not kidding you, they literally destroyed heaven and nearly caused the world to be abandoned by the maker and be infested with the demon orcs

Not to mention they can become abominations

this is what dwarf politics are. you and the blockhead brother just got thoroughly outplayed. at least you can keep the throne in aeducan hands instead of handing it over to harrowmont

lame, even sword and board is fun

The maker isn't even real

Doesn't matter those mages unleashed the blight whether the maker is real or not

>this is what dwarf politics are
And you're going to just accept it? Why would you let your traitor of a brother in the throne? They literally stripped you of everything.

Human Noble, on the other hand, gets revenge for everything. He gets to let go of their sorrows in the Gauntlet Trial, he gets to get revenge at Howe, he gets Highever in Cousland lands and he gets the entirety of Amaranthine for himself. Not just that, but you can also basically turn his son into your underling.

The only measure of justice dwarf noble gets is to put the weak-willed harrowmont in the throne and let orzammar turn into a hellhole because the nobles are getting all the power now that there's a weak king. Harrowmont's just going to end up creating another Jarvia.

Sword and Board Male Human Noble is literally the canon Warden.

>we wuz gods n shieeet
Elves are faggots and they always will be, mages need to be watched 24/7 and the only good maleficar is Morrigan because she gets redeemed by Aedan's Longsword.

>And you're going to just accept it? Why would you let your traitor of a brother in the throne? They literally stripped you of everything
because he played the game well and won. you're now a warden during a blight and bhelen offers the complete support that you need

Alistair is already a tank it's better to be a two-hander to balance it out

I did a dps shield build once, all attack stats, it was still viable and fun

If you were to account for what's mechanic, you'd be playing as an fireball-spamming loser. But who wants to do that?

The canon Warden is Aedan Cousland, and he's a warrior who uses a sword and a shield. It's in literally all of the trailers and art for origins.