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>Gabe Newell has more balls than the IOC
Of course, he'll never do it, because he's a fat coward

finally some good fucking news

Now why the fuck couldn't they have done this back in 2014 and made it permanent?

cyka blyat

How big do you think putins hat collection is?

unironically this would work better than anything the EU is doing

>cut off ruskies from cs
>get to play it IRL

>russia bad user
Ok op thanks for the propaganda bro. The thing is though, I don’t care about what goes on, on the other side of the world. That’s not my business, nor is it my government’s business to inject themselves into it.

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Are you 15 or just American?

How is it russian consumers' fault? Retarded mutts think "statements" are more important than contracts.

I guess Russia is finished

you american?

Jesus, what a piece of shit

Now that's something that might stop Putin

If Gabe banned russians from DOTA2 the war would be over tomorrow.

Now ban the Saudis & Chinese

Russian consumers keep voting to keep Putin in office, of course it's their fault.

Given the amount of actual Russian propaganda agents on Any Forums, if you really didn't care, you wouldn't oppose to this at all.

And of course it's fake, I'm embarrassed I fell for it.

Let's just make people even more depressed from this heckin' unwholesome war!

Christ, what virtue signaling faggots just like the UN... What's that gonna do? Just make children play valorant?

Holy based. I put my own sanctions in place and stopped playing Tarkov and War Thunder. Fuck Russia.

this would be pretty funny
but it would also pull all the russian idiots off CS:GO and DOTA2 and put them into a rage.
Ukraine is already fucked, no need to make it worse

That's why we arent sub-human filth, yes

>let's sanction the people of far away poor country for reasons that don't concern me

There goes most of csgo's playerbase

keep thinking that tranny

fucking this, it's like Argentina when they were told DON'T vote this guy in he knows nothing about how to run a country, then they do it anyway and bitch about why the economy crashed less than three weeks later

do you believe everything you read immediately as you read it?

Ruskies do the right thing and assassinate Putin. That mother fucker has gone too far.



fake and off topic
here is your (you)

Unironically based so many hackers gonna be gone

Yes, I considered that it's fake. But I also like to give my thoughts on it except "BAIT THREAD IT'S SOOOO FAKE!!!". The part about the UN virtue signaling is still true.

Well gee Gabe if they can't do all that murdering in-game, where you think they're gonna go?

to putin's house so they can stop the war and get unbanned

I think Russian gamers are going to be more angry about STALKER 2 not being released.

Punishing the innocent citizens is a typical fat American move.