Gaming stories and greentexts

Gaming stories and greentexts
redditniggers not allowed
I'll start:
>be me
>be 13, Red Dead Redemption 1 comes out
>want properties and better horses but too retarded to find a way to get money besides petty robery
>try playing poker but suck ass
>"Hey grandma, wanna come see this cool poker game?"
>"sure user, lemme see"
>show grandma the controls
>she starts playing poker
>her old lady skills kick in and she fucks everyone up
>triples my money in less than an hour
>Next day, I get ready for school and i turn the game on for her
>show her how to travel to other towns when she clears out tables
>come back and she's still playing
>look at money count
>she asks me to play poker regularly after this
>mfw i'm filthy fucking rich
>mfw its from my grandma
>mfw i have all the horses and shiny guns

Attached: Rdr_poker_hand.jpg (1280x720, 689.99K)

>redditniggers not allowed
>>be me

Attached: chris.png (1123x1069, 1.36M)

>>be me
Who else would you be?

zoom zoom

>be me

He needs to clarify that he's him and not me


>be me
what? why did you feel the need to put this?

Very wholesome

>poker "skills"
I don't get it, aside from counting cards isn't poker more or less just chance and bluffing?

Lurk more cringe cadet

No user, youre the zoomer

Well he is clearly not me

>be me
go back 2 reddlt

>Be me
Lurk more please

I don't believe you

>be me
Stopped reading there

What the fuck happened where GREENTEXTS are considered reddit now? Take me back, bros...


>take me back bros
yeah someone take this redditor back to r/gaming where he belongs

Be you and get gtfo