Tifa is a prostitute

Tifa is a prostitute

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How much?

She's not like that! She does it for free because she's a dirty whore lmao

Don't care
Red XIII breeding her > lovey dovey self insert romance

She fuck italian old politicians.


I would pay for a night with her. If ya know what ii mean xD

> Those old slideshow GIFs when she fuck a Chocobo, a Tomberry and two insect guys.

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That is LITERALLY Aerith you're describing though

>Flower girl = Prostitute
This meme is so stale, Aeris was not a w hore you dumb dumb

I'd understand if you wanted to protect the perceived putiry of Aerith but she's literally speaks like a harlot
plus it's not a meme

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"flower girl" is just a nice way of saying prostitute. Like calling hookers something like "lady of the evening."

How dense do you have to be to not understand that they're saying whore without saying whore with flower girl.

I wish.

She's The Treasure of Italian Nation.

There is nothing wrong with using prostitutes.

I've been using them since 2009, on an average of one per month. Only stopped on 2012 due to an HIV scare and on 2020 due to COVID.

No, that was Aeris.

>Only stopped on 2012 due to an HIV scare
Where a condom you fucking retard.

I know. I did learn my lesson so no glove no love. I even carry some expensive ones with me at all times in case the prostitute is using a shitty cheap brand.


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Bruh you gotta have a fucking death wish to put your dick in a whore with no rubber.

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prostitutes are cleaner than amateur whores because they have to be clean and protected to continue earning money. your average tinder hole is filthy.

Yeah, it was pretty stupid. And it wasn't just once: I did it twice, with street hookers.
God is merciful so not only I didn't get anything, but around the same time I got hit with night sweats, which are one of HIV infection's signature symptoms (it ended being just an unrelated vitamin deficiency) so that made me realize how stupid I was.

This is true. Some of them even make you wash your hands first.
