Who here prisoner chad?

Who here prisoner chad?

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Tell me, why does he wear that helmet?

prisoner chads and prophet chads own this joint

Attached: prophet_class_elden_ring_wiki_guide_270px.png (270x399, 61.02K)

why's he wearing a toilet seat

That’s the maidens seat

one of my favourite movies desu

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Probably going Prophet for a STR/FTH build, though I usually go ooga-booga STR my first run so who knows

>have a scat fetish
>was planning on playing faith class
>looks like its prophet wearing a toilet seat

Jesus, I feel personally attacked.

Statwise the Prisoner interests me the most but I can't get over the design. I'd rather be a wretch than wear that helmet thing.

>lightning magic
>dex + int
>behelit/cracked red eye orb equivalent
dreamer bros...

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Jesus fucking Christ, the board is completely unusable right now thanks to retards like this.

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You know you can just take it off?

>completely unusable right now because videogame discussion is taking down wojak threads

Stop being such a fucking newfag


We could've had threads for other games as well if it weren't for underages thinking their posts deserve their own threads instead of posting in the 30+ existing ones.

>board is unusable because people are talking about what the board's purpose is about
you FUCKING faggot

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What happened to the wheel?

if your thread wasn't shit it wouldn't get drowned out

Which class starts with that helmet with white hairs/fur (?) you can see in most of the pre release videos? I would start with that class just for the armor
Otherwise I'll just start vagabond or naked

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>We could've had threads for other games
yeah we could have but we wouldn't, is this your first day?

>>lightning magic
>>dex + int
int gets lightning now? don't get my hopes up