Elden Ring Classes

What class are you going bros

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This is my first souls game so I don't know what the fuck VIG, STR, DEX, and all those other stats are.

I really hope there are weapons that support a str/arc build

Wretch. Going to primarily level up Arcane because it's the most mysterious stat. I'll see how to make it work as I go.

Prophet. I always do a faith build and make myself cope that it’s good.

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Samurai for the free katana, then find a second katana and power stance them for maximum weeb mode.

Im a bit of a racist white supremasist, there are niggers maing characters? spics or spooks? i will buy it if i can kill em, but if they are inmortal or some shit i will never buy it

Vagabond with 50 faith fire spells and a bastard sword

Ill play the naked guy.
From zero to hero

He must have SOMETHING to do with arc, why else would they give him the second highest arc?
I've heard arc has more to do with items/consumables than anything to do with magic, which would explain why thief has the highest maybe


Everyone will be going as ashen ones now that Russia and NATO are about to clash.

There's a dozen of threads about this garbage and yet you felt the need to make one more.
sasuga solesfags

Astrologer, as I'm scrub with horrific motor skills so easy evasion.

anything other than wretch is for babies

Confessor of course. I'm playing a paladin.

I'm thinking Propget but do we know if Lances will be STR primarily or quality?


I'm going for Wretch on my first run and then either Astrologer or Prisoner for my second

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Confessor Chad's ww@


Wretch or Confessor I think

I was heavily leaning on hero but now I'm thinking about doing a jack of all trades build as a vagabond, just so I can try out a bit of everything and be a proper generalist, usually cause my subsequent playthroughs usually go really hard into a specific build or concept, so this will be my chance to play something more general and explorative while I explore the actual game for the first time too.
Honestly sounds kinda comfy now that I elaborate.

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Objective final guide on which class is best per each build.
Vagabond is generally the best class, since a lot of STR weapons have a minimum of DEX requirements. Hero will be better on the very top exlusive STR weapons like big hammers and unga bunga clubs that have no scaling or requirement with DEX (do not confuse this with Quality weapons)
Samurai and Warrior work the same as Vagabond and Hero, Samurai will be automatically a better pick when your DEX weapon has 12 or over STR requirement and/or some scaling with STR (do not confuse this with Quality weapons)
Astrologer. Pure Int will use only sorceries and summoned weapons, with little END (since there's little equip load needed)
Bandit for a pure DEX/ARC build
Prophet, starting FTH can unlock Dragon Incantations, 11/11 STR/DEX suggested for the leaked Ripple Blade
Prophet if your weapon has no requirements/scaling for the other physical stat
For builds using a melee weapon with requirements of the opposite physical stat Vagabond
Astrologer if your weapon has no requirements/scaling for the other physical stat
For builds using a melee weapon with requirements of the opposite physical stat Prisoner
Confessor is a fairly good choice for this. This build relies on keeping STR/DEX to 12 for light weapons and boosting FTH/INT to 40 or 45 for infused melee weapons and spells. This a Paladin build that, unlike STR/FTH or DEX/FTH relies on spells. You can even use infused flail with this build
Become Dragon Punch!

Hero, then put all of my points into Str until I hit hard cap, grab the biggest, heaviest stick I can find, and beat the shit out of everything with it. Just like I play every other Souls game.


I wonder how long it will take for there to be a character builder tool like for all the other games. I just wanna know which class is the most optimal for a quality build.

>Minmax autism
No thanks, gtfo

none, because this game can't run on Windows 8.1

Confessor or Prisoner on first playthrough since I like their garb, I'll probably make my final decision during character creation

Have it all nigga