Saints Row 3

Where is the police deparment in this game?
I want to beat up some cops.

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not a nigger btw, i just get off to passionate military fights.
now where is it?

theres no police department. closest you'll get is the army base that you go to in the first mission.

iirc once you beat the game all the gang enemies are gone and the only enemies left in the open world are police

Wtf? But there are police cars?
Where do the police spawn then?

if you drive around you will find cops walking around or stopped near construction work.

oh fuck. I got a save file online but it's only 94% complete.
But since I don't know anything about SR, I have no fucking idea what I'm doing.
How do I do story missions??

Apparently I have gang members. How tf do I make them stop shooting the police? I want a fair brawl jesus christ.

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theyre available on your phone menu. also if youve never played it before I recommend just playing the story first, its worth it.

you cant make them go away if you already took over that part of the city. The parts of the city with your gang members are colored purple on the map so go somewhere where it isnt.

>army base
Where is the army base?!

>theyre available on your phone menu
got it!

>I recommend just playing the story first, its worth it
user I don't have TIME for story. I need to cum RIGHT NOW!
I downloaded SR4 just to fight the big alien that appears once you kill a lot of people.

oooooooooohhhhhhhh fuck. I think the previous guy took over pretty much the entire city already what in the actual FUCK?

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yeah iirc the first mission in the story is fighting against waves of swat teams so that might float your boat.

>I need to cum RIGHT NOW!
one of the best missions in the game is literally like the 3rd mission. the one where Power plays as you skydive in

military base is here. you'll have a good fight if you go there

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH but apparently you can't replay story missions after you've finished them.
Anons I'm at the last mission (Three Way) please tell me there are some cops!

I just learned you can steal other cars! This is gonna be amazing!

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this game seriously sucked compared to 2.

niggers tongue my anus

I used to have so much fun going on rampages in sr3 especially with OP tanks. Yeah its nowhere near the quality of 2 but somehow I still sunk 300 hrs into it.

wish I could play 2 but I don't have a console and the pc version just constantly crashes even with gotr mod. Heard theres a patch in the works so hopefully I will be able to play it one day.

nice cops though.

Btw is there like a general store or something?
Seems each one has a different clothes, isn't there a way to browse all of them at the same time?

most of the clothing stores are the same except for three of them and you have to go there to buy the clothes. Lets pretend has fursuits, leather and lace is the lingerie store, and nobody loves me has emo stuff. I usually just stick to the regular shops.