Attached: F7Z6icl.jpg (1821x1003, 129.23K)

Now punch her in the pussy.

No dude, You're supposed to flick the clit while called her a filthy little pig.

Agreed. Literally what do you do about her C+D attack? It's like a no commitment DP. Hate this hoe, bros.

Don't mind if I do!

Attached: cutemaibutt.png (1142x732, 1.59M)


Her in a swimsuit doesn't feel as revealing as her normal outfit.

>mfw slowly getting better at this game

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Same bro, We're gonna make it.

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It took for fucking ever to interpret this image.

Imagine how soft Mai's thighs are.

I would do anything to beat Andy's ass to a pulp because of how he will never, EVER claim that ass as his.

For me it's Shermie

Genuinely curious here and not trying to be mean. How do you guys look at this games animations and not want to gouge your eyes out? Even fucking NRS games look smoother then this. Smash Bros did a better job at making Terry look good.

he can watch

There is nothing I have wanted more than that for the past 28 years or so.

Attached: 1570499337749.png (620x877, 797.85K)

>name one thing in this picture

>Even fucking NRS games look smoother then this
Not really.
>Smash Bros did a better job at making Terry look good.
Smash bros Terry, Ryu and Ken look great.

Remember when fighting games had lovingly crafted 2D sprites?
Ha ha ha

I remember.
I am still relatively amazed they animated butt jiggle for Mai as early as 1994

Attached: Mai.gif (300x300, 46.65K)

i've seen this sfm

I don't mind 3D, i just wish they went back to the old realistic proportions the neogeo characters had.

If only you were a stoic blonde ninja...