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Why would I get hyped for this when Origins is the only good Dragon Age game? 2 and Inquisition were sad trash.


Transgender? I'm guessing the next game will take inspiration from New Vegas

I’ll go feral on her bitch ass
Also this games going to suck because wahmen

She's hot

dragon age 2 is the only DECENT dragon age game you fraud, no dragon age games are good

Why is it always niggers? There are more races than nigger and white.

2 is shit and Origins is good.

The creative director for 4 literally just quit

A new Dragon Age is something to dread, not get excited about.

>Dev admits to loving DA:O
>Person wants 'diversity and inclusion' in the form of more genuine customization options
Beyond the tranny flag I don't see a particular problem here.

origins genuinely has some of the worst gameplay i've ever seen, wheras at least dragon age 2 feels responsive

Uh oh it's going to be one of those threads isn't it

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always a good sign

There are no Dragon Age games after Origins

Nigga Dragon age 2 has such shit writing you can be serious in thinking ita better than origins.

>muh writing
i play GAMES for the GAMEPLAY

yea Any Forums has been really toxic lately

If two had more time it would've been alot better, but the Arishok is still one of their better written characters.

Wave corridors don’t even qualify as acceptable combat. Which is what dragon age 2 has.

Jesus Christ

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Dragon age 2 is still not that good. Origin is objectively just better overall.

Name a more Reddit term.

I really don't understand what black people want from video game hair. There used to be complaints that all hairstyle options were white, so games started adding in cornrows and afros and other black styles, but now there's complaints about those styles as well. Why? Isn't that the black hair they wanted? And if they don't want to use that, why not just choose one of the dozens of "white" hair options that are available?

Shill thread

Why? What conceivable reason could a person have to get excited for this? BioWare, the BioWare the people have fond recollections of, doesn't exist in any way, shape or form. And looking at the history of Dragon Age, it's not really a series with a strong identity; each of the games is different, so it's not like there's a strong foundation for them to build on. There's nothing there. It might as well be an announcement that some unknown studio is working on an original IP, because there's no difference.

look at that schnoz

i don't care about the story in videogames
it's a deeply flawed game but the core combat is actually playable, unlike inquisition and origins
origins has fucking grid based combat where characters get hit from 10 miles away, it's just a shittier and more gimmicky version of kotor/NWN's combat

I wonder how they're going to shit on dalish elfs this time.

The tranny flag should be reason enough to be concerned

>DA:O is great
>DA:2 is a straight up downgrade
>DA:I is shit
Why would I want another one?

>i don't care about the story in videogames
Then you shouldn't even bother with this series since it's about the story first and foremost.

I tried playing Inquisition a few months ago and I couldn't get past the first couple hours. The combat was so fucking boring.

>origins has fucking grid based combat where characters get hit from 10 miles away
What the fuck are you talking about?
There's no place you encounter enemies at any kind of range.
Are you on drugs again?

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>it's about the story first and foremost.

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It is. That's not my opinion, it's Bioware's goal

What the fuck is happening? All I se are w*men as writers, w*men as directors, w*men as protagonists, but where are all the MEN?
I want MEN at the helm again, where are they? Where are my quality games?

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i've been playing bioware games this way since NWN and i've enjoyed a lot of them immensely, you guys are genuinely delusional about what bioware's strengths actually are
>zoomer literally thinks i meant 10 miles
ok autismo, have you ever tried to kite in origins

>it's Bioware's goal
No wonder they haven't made it a good dragon age since origins!

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It never had a chance this is just the final nail in the coffin of Bioware they're done

Looks like I can skip this one. Good to have confirmed beforehand.

I love politics in Dragon Age games, Mage V Templar etc Heck you can decide who is king at the end of the first game, nothing more political than that..
It’s just gunna another shitfest of boring modern leftist dogma isn’t it?

The balancing in origins is kind of fucked and there are tons of stat related bugs but it's also fun as hell

There are no men anymore.
Look at you zoomie, you are sperging out like a 13 year old girl on her first period over videogames and actually, unironically censoring yourself, a subconscious acceptance of censorship since all zoomers are cucks of the state, like women.


>have you ever tried to kite in origins
Yes. You have to in order to beat the ogre in the tower at the end of the prologue.

mage v templar is the dumbest conflict ever written. mages almost always resort to blood magic when cornered and even if they don't they're walking time bombs for demon possession. templars are completely justified n everything they do.

you mean the gameplay that DA2 severely dumbed down?

the progression is quite fun, i don't think the actual combat is fun
ok have you ever tried to kite with melee characters which is something you can actually do in dragon age 2

Yeah except the last 2 games were trash and it will be pozzed garbage

Origins is a crpg you're supposed to go in a birds eye view and order people around it's not supposed to be a twitch hack and slash game


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combat in CRPGs has never been smart lmao
i find that tedious but origins is a terrible version of that too, just play one of the billion isometric turn based/rtwp rpgs out there instead

>ok have you ever tried to kite with melee characters
Yes. There's an entire character build designed around doing exactly that.
What drugs are you on?

in case any of you were wondering why new games are such shit. jesus fucking christ

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those games' gameplay is so bad how can you go through 50+ hours of it

I like how overpowered mages are in Origins. Super versatile and powerful with tons of damage, support and utility spells. Just like they are overpowered in-universe. I wish more games did that.

what is that, some kind of rogue, i'm not as insanely in love with this shit game as you clearly are