It's actually KINO

>it's actually KINO
Don't you ever get tired of being wrong, Any Forums?

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Wrong about what

We've been all waiting for this game for like 3 years here, with some faggot nintendie exceptions, or people that play anime games.

Never tried Souls and it's not particularly high in my backlog but i'd much rather this be seen as Game of the Generation than stuff like Gone Home or whatever.

I wait for real people to give their opinion.

>Any Forums
You mean the Shazamtendie discordtrannies? Any Forums's been hyped for this game since it was announced.

>can't pause

try 95. botw is still king of v

I play it myself and form my own opinions.

You seem upset.

Oh, so NOW we take meta critic and journalists opinions seriously?
Soulscucks are the biggest fucking turncoat fags this website has ever seen.

And remember that this is a multiplat, so no Snoy/Tendie bonus.

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What separates it from Dark Souls other than it has a mount? Does it feel different to play in any way?

When everything is kino, nothing is

Souls games releases have always been based on Any Forums. I still remember the shitflinging about DS2 to this day

>Oh, so NOW we take meta critic and journalists opinions seriously?
Not really.
But as long as it makes the discord trannies cope, I will show the score to them every single time.

It's the 15 point souls bonus

>Caring what reviewers say
I'm excited too but don't give those fags any ounce of credibility


It's the Tendie delusion 97 point NOT ON MY PLATFORM bonus.

p-paid reviews!

>pic unrelated

so were reviewers the good guys all along?