Elden Ring Bunker Thread

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Are you in a hairless tight spot?

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>Are you in a hairless tight spot?
I fucking wish

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what if DD2 comes out and it doesn't have loli support...

where are they going???

>Are you in a hairless tight spot?

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They're heading to Sneedville.

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We should demand cunny safespaces throughout the board!

>Are you in a hairless tight spot?

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What the fuck am I looking at

Based Alkemanubis

So what exactly makes Eldin Ring different from Dark Souls? Bloodborne is set apart with the Gothic/Victorian setting and its use of guns in combination with faster paced movement.

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My pedo bf and I are gonna play Tabletop Simulator.

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pedotrannies begone
this is now a (female) monster thread

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>he stores loli pics on his iphone
oh nononono.

Bruh, Mizu is male.

monsters come in male and female silly
if youre a cock craving fag, go find yourself male monsters. ill stick with the females.

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>user is too fucking dumb to realize that Mizu is like a peacock or various other birds where the male is brightly colored and the female is bland

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>all mizus in the game are colored the same
keep trying to push your faggotry onto others but it's not gonna work.

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Just tell em its a Disney character if anyone finds out...

Yes I know, but the ones you're posting are specifically male. The female ones aren't colorful.

where is this stated? ill switch to a different, sexier monster if what you say is actually true. and ill even apologize. but i need proof.

how do i get a pedo bf??

Yes, user. That means every mizu hunted has been male.
The only ones that are possibly female are the apexes in Rise and that's still up in the air.

The monster description and quest text in generations?

>My pedo bf
Now I'm jealous I wish I get a gf(or bf) that accepts who I am :,(

ill trust your word, and sorry.
i will now fuck THIS monster.

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Find a boy who likes boys/trannies and is also a lolicon. 9/10 chance they're also a pedo and you just need to be honest about yourself with them to get them to open up.

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Go ahead

>She has the backpack
Monster is making me uoohh

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Can't stop playing xillia 2. Honestly I don't even care much about elden ring. It's nice we're getting another souls game but I think the hype is embarrassingly manufactured.

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Pedo gf never ever

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