Elden Ring


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fromsoft chads have never taken an L

>Western, Western, Western, Japanese
Japan always delivers

You mean
>The Reaper fears the Samurai

add Atlus with mediocre P5 and SMTV

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why is he doing a kick in the first panel, and then he is doing the splits

*never taken meds

>Moonlight greatsword
I can't believe Miyazaki is a Intfag

He has to be smart to make such games

>people want Elden Ring to be bad

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Yeah P5 is universally hated

>DS2 higher than 1 and 3
This and many other examples, is why you shouldn't care about these scores.

>major game company
>has this esl shit on the steam page

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Miyazaki style of

Well, there was Dark Soul 2, but that wasn't bad, just kinda disappointing.

Probably all of the Nioh fags seething that threads about their shitty game never get more than an average of 2 replies

it was a letdown compared to ds1 but compared to everyhinf else it is still good

It’s cute jap esl though

It was objectively better than DS1 on a mechanics level but just worse level design till the DLCs came out and brought back huge ass levels with tons of verticality and shortcuts.

That's why DS3 copied most of the mechanics DS2 pioneered and just made things faster.

TESfags also really, really dislike FROM games. Just bringing up what Elder Scrolls could learn from either Witcher or Souls is enough to troll them.

It's gonna be funny as fuck when the next TES game has souls style combat, limited heals and respawns.
Even fucking EA is copying souls these days.

Attached: Fallen Order.webm (768x432, 2.98M)

I totally forgot the souls games invented this genre of videogame and everyone else copied them.

That's never happening. Pausing the game to open up a menu and guzzle down 30 potions is a staple of TES game design by this point.

They'd flip the fuck out. This is the fandom that thinks that towns in Skyrim are too big and that they should all be shrunk down to only shops, inns, and guild houses.

Dark Souls 2 is the best game FROM ever made

When games literally started using:
-espawning enemies
-repawning limited heals
-no respawning bosses
-stamina based weighty combat
-unlockable shortcuts instead of hard checkpoints

...a few years in the wake of Dark Souls, it's obviously copying.

TORtanic syndrome has been ramping up ever since the first.

Some are too poor to afford a good pc/console and can't play modern games so they want everyone to be unhappy, not just themselves.

That looks like witcher...

Miyazaki is my hero, lads.

No, FO is 1:1 copy of Sekiro, minus the stealth focus.

Enemies autoblock almost any attack you do and you have to attack and parry them to drain their stamina, then you one shot execute them, just like Sekiro's posture and deathblow systems.