Yes, yes, well done, Elden Ring well done HOWEVER

Yes, yes, well done, Elden Ring well done HOWEVER

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once todd drops this masterpiece elden ring will be forgotten

Ultimately Elden Ring is only cool for people who were already fans of the Soulslike genre.
Starfield is going to rock the gaming world. People aren't ready for Space Skyrim.

their game engine still cant use ladders

lets be honest, elden rings doesnt really revolutionize gaming in any way that dark souls already has. We have no idea what todd has in store for us with starfield however. It might be shit, but it might also be a truly revolutionary game, and that excites me.

Oh boy I can't wait for that iconic Bethesda combat of awkwardly running back and forth mashing the attack button.

Where Todd's taking us we don't need ladders

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it's bethesda it'll be shit, stop getting your hopes up

starfield is going to sell twice as much as elden ring no matter what.

can anything top outer wilds

The end is closer than you think. Elden Ringgers.

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>this mockup
Can you imagine?
A Xbox Series X bundled with Starfield but the box doesn't show either the console or the game. It's just Todd's face printed on the side.

I'd buy a box of Todd.

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I had hope Starfield may do it, but now? after that 97metacritic?
Now fucking WAY.
Starfield will score 92 and kneel to Elden King.

imagine if they gave everyone jetpacks so they don't have to program ladders

Elden Ring will be cherished by incels and emo losers, while everyone and their grandma will be playing and discussing Starfield when it launches.

People want games that fulfill an interesting fantasy.
In Starfield you explore distant worlds.
In Elden Ring you kill big crabs.


starfield fulfills the white mans fantasy of exploring the unknown. elden ring is just a cringe weeb power fantasy.

Is Any Forums just filled with useful idiots and shills or is it actually just baiting?
We literally know 0 about Starfield yet, manufacturing some sort of feud between two games that are literally nothing like each other is retarded.

we do know stuff though


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It'll be the same glitchy pile of jank as all the other Bethesda games. Any other opinion is copium.

The only person huffing copium is you

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go home todd

imagine buying a Bethesda game at full price in any year except 2002.