You can play

you can play
Horizon Forbidden West
Red Dead Redemption 2
Breath of the Wild
The Witcher 3
Ghost of Tsushima
3 open world Assassin's Creed games
Nier Automata
modern God of War
and many many other games that were made for you.

so why the fuck do you want a souls game to change to specifically accommodate for your taste?? most souls-like games are trash. Fromsoft might be the only devs decent enough to make great souls games (that aren't trash or mediocre). souls-like fans basically only have Fromsoft. so why the fuck are you going after them and demanding them to change what makes their souls games "souls games"? you're basically trying to take everything away from us. why aren't you demanding other devs change their souls games? like why don't you go after Nioh for example? Just accept that souls games weren't made for you and that you might not even be the target audience for Elden Ring. and instead go play any of the thousands of games that were made for you. I already listed a bunch that you can play above
with all due respect

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If they want an easier time just play on PC with cheat engine.

Based elden ring exposing poser journos

>Horizon Forbidden West
>Red Dead Redemption 2
>Breath of the Wild
>The Witcher 3
>Ghost of Tsushima
>3 open world Assassin's Creed games
>Nier Automata
>modern God of War
all shit

little brother syndrome
"I wanna play too!!! I'm gonna tell mom!!!"

>simplistic 3 buttons combat
>lock on so you don't have to deal with the camera during combat
what more do these faggots want ?

>Can you chastise and attack others for me?
No, do it yourself you crippled fat casual fuck

good and rational post. fuck those weirdos

Nioh has playable female now compared to its origin. It's only a matter of time. Fuck this shit.

There are people with actual disabilities and there's more to enjoy about souls than just the difficulty, the games have good atmosphere, art direction, music, etc... There's nothing wrong with accessibility

toggle invincibility mode, I'm not kidding.

why not play the game on youtube in that case ? jesus

They shouldn't ruin the communal experience souls games have just to accommodate the insanely low percentage of people who are physically impaired. They're used to not being able to do shit, they can handle it.

This guy is asking for accessibility in terms of him being fucking blind.

On one hand; I totally get that blind people might want to see. On the other hand how the fuck do you adjust a game for blind people?

Why are you talking to a tweet?

If you have actual disabilities you have more important things to care about that a shitty videogame


well too bad, not everything is for everyone

>disabled people can't enjoy themselves

kek I'm not sure why we're arguing with this bluecheck literal who's tweet on Any Forums
go post this shit on twitter

Allow game genie on consoles again. Your battle isn’t with the devs your battle is with the console publishers blocking your ability to hex edit.

He's asking for accessibility in terms of being blind - not a fucking easy mode. Do you mongoloids ever look up the shit you post or are you just like headline reading boomers?

is it too much to ask for op to stop being a goddamn fag for once?

I'm fine with them making games causalized enough for retards and women to play them but they should have to select it with a picture of a crying baby calling them punks

not if it affects me in any way

I only play Cyberpunk 2077 on the base Xbox One.

god I fucking hate stupid twitter niggers. explain yourselves you inbreds! what does "more accessible" mean? what specifically are you asking for?


because I'm OP and I don't have a twitter account. can any of you anons please screenshot my thread's original post and reply with it to those mofos on twitter??? I'd like to know what their genuine response is.

Fuck off

when did the world fill with these bitches

Be as intolerant as the person crying for “tolerance” cause once you let them in they will force you out for not being tolerant enough of their intolerance.

not at the detriment of my non-disabled enjoyment. you don't take a screaming retard to a movie theater, y'know?

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There are one handed people who play games, it's not all mental disabilities

>Start a thread with a Any Forums cap and it's ignored
>Start a thread with a twitter post and you'll hit bump
You faggots are your own worth enemies.

Imagine being so buttmad a dev put Easy Mode into a game that you are enjoying that you boil hotter than the sun because it means exactly 0 to you as an end user.

You children are hilarious. Keep up the good work.

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Imagine being so buttmad a dev DID NOT put Easy Mode into a franchise that you NEVER PLAYED that you boil hotter than the sun because it means exactly 0 to you as an end user.

keep going tell me more

Why can’t you just tolerate being bad at a game and not dumb it down to your smooth brain level? Git gud.

>From, can you cater your game to all 50 people who will use these options. my blind dumb deaf wheelchair bound crippled black sister wants to play too :O

Keep seething because From Software doesn't bend over


What do they even mean by accessibility?

dont edge me, keep going clowns

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The accessibility options were just a response to twitter trannies crying about their disabilities. Now if your game doesn’t have them at all it drops your metacritic score. These people want power over someone else’s hobby it’s that simple.

That sucks for him, but how the fuck does a blind person expect to play a relatively fast-paced action RPG

I had a friend with a gimp hand and he use to absolutely wreck me at 007 nightfire back in the day. A lot of these disabled people that twittards purport to represent are really skilled in games and don't need in game handicaps as long as they have a controller they can physically use. And even in situations where thats not the case, you can already watch a playthrough of any game on YouTube these days which is basically what playing on easy mode is anyway

none of this is specific retard. what does "combat accessibility" entail exactly? options are fine, but if any of that shit would alter the game then you can go fuck yourself or wait maybe just play something else

those people can buy a one handed controller. my game need not be affected by your disability

I'm not saying I think he's in the right. Blind people are unfortunately really fucking shafted in terms of entertainment aside from books and music. But he's not asking for an easy mode.

It is the player's duty to gatekeep faggots like this, I hope he gets even more hate.

>man with no hands or whatever it was beats ds3 .webm

>able bodied man cries for accessibility
>actual disabled people just play the game

critics picking up fads to rate games delegitimizes them

It's too late Elden Ring is already a journocuck game.