How'd you like to marry Malon? Huh?

How'd you like to marry Malon? Huh?

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>marrying a girl
Yeah, sounds good.

malon's melons

She is built for cuddles.

Link canonically smashed

But that's not the Malon that Talon asks you to marry.

>artist is a fatfag

Only if she "Milks" me every night

Not falling for that scam. I will impregnate you, you will have children, I will corroborate my genes on the children with at least two paternity tests from unbiased testing sites and if all's good I will pay child support and that'll be that. Good day.

I wish to marry her while I'm a Minish

You WILL marry her and you WILL be happy.


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Cremia and Romani are better.

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MARRY taht bitch?

so she can divorce me and take my wood home in kokiri village, take my sword/shield and take my horse

fuck no

All my cousins have kids and none of them are married lol it's a fucking scam to steal half your shit from you.

when i had a "going into games" machine - this woulve been early 2006- i used to go into majoras mask A LOT and one of my fav things to do was fondle romani at the ranch. one of the great things about fondling video games characters is they don't fight back or struggle because they don't recognize u as a player character. It's like you don't exist. but let me tell you, she smelled like SHIT. in fact everybody in that game did..I got used to it after a while but that first moment when i smelt romani up close..i was almost sick. she looks clean & nice when you see her on television but when ur there stood next to her its a different story. The machine was stolen in the end and im kinda glad. it had started to take over my life

For me, it’s Princess Zelda

>So what's it gonna be? Huh? HUH?

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Id like to puke her and punch down her throat.