Elden Ring haul

Post your Elden Ring haul.

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dude get a frozen pizza or some mountain dew. maybe some chips
WTF is that

>baked cheese crackers
i only knew about cheez-its and cheese nips, now i wanna try those too

>all this off brand shit
maybe you should concentrate on getting a real job instead of videogames you poorfag

look at this fucking nigger
a PS5 and he still bought elden ring on PC with its apparent stuttering problems
I don't have a PS5 so I'm forced to get it on PC
I have a pretty good pc 3070 with a 10700k but still, top tier rigs stuttered according to reviews so I'm gonna fucking stutter too
I wish I had a PS5, I want to play demon's souls remake

if the PC performance isn't as terrible as reported it will be the first full price game I will buy in many years

but I gonna wait for now

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based enjoyer

>WTF is that
there is 2 frozen pizzas

ill let you know how they are tomorrow

the off brand shit was deliberately selected as I prefer to the brand stuff (the french toast sticks are to die for) with the exception of the cheez its because they didnt have them in stock

I will not pay for online or play at 40 fps in "framerate mode" ps5 is for console exclusives
forbidden west is pretty fun btw, really happy it helped me kill time for ER

nice, enjoying the hd pack? don't forget to play with the fov slider.
much more sophisticated than me, but just as comfy. Wish I could still drink.

my nigger

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as someone who used to live in america, seeing those off-brand walmart sweets makes my teeth hurt.
ill be buying some dark chocolate and making bread

Are Americans really so fat that they need to gorge on putrid processed horseshit while they play vidya?


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>eating while gaming

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hahahahahaha fucking burgers. Just eat normally you dysfunctional autists

its for the pre release build up, it's like battlestation tailgating

oh ive got plenty of steaks, burgers and hotdogs user

Yes, you stupid fat fuck. Lose some weight and stop eating shit.


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5'8 295 pounds, currently training to become a sumo wrestler at a stable in japan

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all this shit to fall into food coma...

Looks like trash

I'm ordering pizza

have fun bros! dont rush through it all too quick

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>Looks like trash
what kind?

Its already been portioned out in my head for pre elden ring, then some finger food while I play, and then for the snowstorm after. No food coma for me.

I want fromsoft ad campaign posters to leave
I'm not buying your shitty darksouls 3 copy paste.
I'm not interested, Nothing will ever top DS2.
It's the same game as 3.
Nothing changed, it looks so soulless. they should just make darksouls a seasonal game like COD.

Kinda based but ER is das2:2

I'm ordering a supreme from a local place. They do it right.

Also c4 is better than Celsius, give it a shot

Other than that, I don't need food

when can I expect to actually play it? 10 hours?
who is staying up?

hilarious that eldenniggers have to compare their empty open world DS3 clone to DS2, an objectively superior game,

Lol you can tell this guy never bought his own groceries

>Celsius, give it a shot
will do

tomorrow at 6pm if youre on pc otherwise its midnight for consolecucks