Assassin's Creed

Who else prefers Odyssey to all the other AC games?

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I prefer Syndicate.

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Literally the only positive thing I hear about Odyssey is that everyone wants to fuck Cassandra

console trash lol

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The best ass creed game is 3

Any decent nude mod yet, or still just the shitty looking texture?

It would have been an even more amazing game had it not had to adhere to having the Ass creed name to it's creation, such a shame.
I still love the game for what it is, the landscapes, the World design and enormous size having almost all of Greece, the ships and huge view distance especially compared to Black Flag.

The story is pretty crappy but as long as you can get past that, the ridiculous number of black npc's in Ancient Greece then you'll have fun with it.

Attached: ass creed greece.png (1270x949, 2.85M)

>normal combat wise:
>stealth wise:
Valhalla=Origins>>a pile of bullcrap>>Odyssey(fuck having to build around stealth and assassination like in a fucking rpg)
>story wise:
Origins>Valhalla(LOKI IS A BRO, A BRO)>Odyssey(except the Darius DLC, that one is really fucking good)
>exploration wise:
Odyssey>Origins(Isu tombs will always be top3 exploration content even if they're easy as hell)>Valhalla(Lost Tombs not included)

Sydicate is still the best. Odyssey is a good like Marvel movies are good, it's interactive junk food. It plays fine and looks pretty but is clearly made to appeal to as many people as possible.

Black Flag

I don't like Assassin's Creed, so Odyssey is good for having little connection to the franchise. Just wish they'd cut all ties completely. Don't need jarring sci-fi stuff popping up now and then in my historical action-RPG.

The Ass Creed name has been creatively holding back every game in the franchise for decades

The story is great, and there's like 3 black NPCs in the entire game, of which 2 are killable (unfortunately the only one you'd actually want to kill is a non-combatant quest-giver and you know exactly who I'm talking about), there are literally more black NPCs in Valhalla, which of course makes even less sense

>a fucking Jomsviking (so poles are niggers according to Ubi LOL)
who was the third? I honestly don't remember

Gunnars replacement when he's off trying to get married

I'm talking about Odyssey. The post I was replying to was talking about Odyssey.
As for Valhalla, there's two other blacks (a man and a woman) in Ravensthorpe, at least during the seasonal events, I don't know if they're there at all times, as well as various locations throughout the varying questlines and sidequests - especially in the France DLC

I had a blast with Origins, not so much with Odyssey/Valhalla.

Has any other asscreed so completely wasted its setting?

the replacement doesnt last long, just beat the Burning Man questline (which probably is one of the few cool ones anyway)

I want to cum in her little whore mouth... respectfully *bows with throbbing erection*

Odyssey > Valhalla

Valhalla has no stealth elements, also Greece was a better setting, Origins is also good. Desert is ver comfy.

Yeah but she makes a big deal about how she usually sticks out and is happy in Ravensthorpe. Because they are the tumblr vikings

>Valhalla has no stealth elements
it has a shitload of mandatory stealth quests even though the stealth system is fucking broken and flatout doesn't work, as opposed to Odyssey which has no mandatory stealth but in which stealth is silky smooth

Revalations? 3? Unity? Literally any of the 2D games? I like syndicate, it's like a final hurrah for the old style with how freeform it is.

she's greek, they don't care about respect when its about sex
being tumblr vikings has its perks
like everyone deleting you from history because you're too tumblr for the era))))))))))) (not that they say this ingame but hey its fun to imagine there's no records about them because of that)