MMOs today are either sweaty af or mind numbing solo grinds with only the veneer of multiplayer

>MMOs today are either sweaty af or mind numbing solo grinds with only the veneer of multiplayer
What went wrong with this genre? Is it really all WoW's fault?

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its one of many genres ruined by normalfags being the larges demographic


>pay for game, play it
>free game, pay to not play it


Mmos suck because they are mobile game tier.
>collect 1000s of currencies that you have to convert to other currencies
Whoa it’ll be fun this time!

its what mmo players like

>Is it really all WoW's fault?
It's partially WoW's fault, but you can't discount the influence gacha and other GAAS shit have had on mmos.

they appealed to the wrong crowd because they wanted more money

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Partially WoW players, partially normalfags who hate the slightest bit of inconvenience. So now the genre is nothing but solo gear treadmills where all allies can be treated as if they're bots.

These problems are 100% the result of leaving the servers on 24/7. Game designers should have had the common sense to realize that doing this would attract sweaty NEETs to their games.

It's truly an outdated genre: millennial games in the times millennials don't have time anymore. Gacha is a much better live service system when the predatory mechanics are kept in check (like genshin impact)

when the fuck did people start using the word sweaty instead of tryhard? am I old?

I trust the vision of that half jewish man more than the faggot that made that mess of an image

not enough mecha loli

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Video games are bad, and they keep getting worse.

When will they be worse than real life?

mmos went to shit post-2007, when iphone niggers infested the gaming sphere and became the buying majority. games then catered to retards who want instant gratification shit piles (nu-WoW/FFXIV/GW2/ESO)

I'd say Genshin Impact gets the same type of players, even if your playtime is heavily restricted

>all WoW's fault
No, it's probably because of the cost of operating an MMO with a decent budget these days. Slow burn MMOs focused on player interaction could exist, but players would have to accept that the audience for that kind of thing is tiny, and there's always the chance it'll get metagamed to shit and ruined by the community.
This goes double if it has stuff like free open world PvP and item loss on death.

Game development is no longer a nerd industry ran by people just following passions, it's a high profit industry where everyone wants in on the money and mmos are a big risk, you spend years developing content that you know your playerbase will run through in a few months at most and then you have to continuously develop new content for them so that they continue paying you

Obviously no matter what you do at some point at least some of them are going to leave and not come back so your best bet is to start introducing the same microtransaction filled bs that single player and mobile games have been for years, but then the problem is that mmo players are interacting with each other constantly and if one guy is running around with obvious displays of wealth it makes your poorer players feel bad so you have to start stripping away multiplayer elements so that when those poors leave then whales still have shit to do

fpbp. it all has to due with jewish corporate money grubbers.

>never played WoW during it's peak
I wish there was a comfy MMO I could play with my friends. All they do now is play PoE or LoL

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guild wars 2, comfy game that revolves around skill rather than mindless gear grind.

You know, I never thought a game could make me appreciate WoW because that sucks too right now, but Lost Ark did. How do people enjoy the daily system in Lost Ark? Its like going to a job for hours a day on multiple characters. And for a game that has such 'good combat', you only do your weekly abyssal raids, daily 2 guardian raids, and 2 daily chaos dungeons. Then just repeat that on your multiple alts. I did enjoy it for a week but I'm starting to realize what the endgame is really like. I've also never felt so careless about my MMO character, in other mmos I've played I do feel attached to my character, in Lost Ark I couldn't care less.

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Supply follows Demand, not the other way around. MMOs (and all other genres really) are how they are because of their player bases.

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Don't listen to Lost Ark haters, the game is fun to play alone or with friends. It just has 2 years of content released at the same time so people are eager to rush the content and complain about the RNG gear upgrade.
I'm on T2 right now, when I was stuck on T1 because I failed my upgrades, I just went to explore islands, did some PVP, farmed Giant Hearts and skill points...etc
My friend and I group to do dungeon and remind each other of world boss spawn timer.

this nigger implies that doing mythic+ over and over again praying on Blissards ballsacks for the correct item u need on the +5 item level drop.

Or the other retarded shit WoW has and obviously has abandoned like sending npcs to quests and resource managing bullshit. Niggers like you are what's wrong with MMOs