Graphics are better than ever

>graphics are better than ever
>games are shittier than ever


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Because the shitty games of the past have been filtered out by time. There's always going to be shit and lots of it.

ITT: Pedophile weebs who have never touched a real woman discover that women who have no hair except on their head is a porn fantasy and not reality.

first thing caused the second thing

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Umm the original Tomb Raider games were janky trash

still more gameplay than any modern snoy joint

gaming went from a niche hobby to something with mainstream appeal, instead of innovating or taking risk developers and publishers want to produce a product that sells. something like godhand or chulip could never be made today because it's not targeting a large audience.

Costs exploded with the rise of the 360/PS3 gen and graphics were the easiest way to push games to new players, thus sell in a time where games were costing many more times than they were just a gen previously. Costs kept rising so other parts of vidya development fell to the side to focus on the easiest thing to sell games to the mainstream which has resulted in what we have today. The short of it is better graphics killed this hobby not just for people who plays games, but for people who develop them.

Games have evolved from entertainment material to a platform where statements are made. Woman character look good, has big booba? Sorry son. That only appeals to your sick fantasy, never mind the fact that the game is based in the middle ages and the character is actually an elf. People who'll never touch the game or look upon gamers with stink eyes might feel bad!

Because games in terms of gameplay are stuck in 2010

I wish they were stuck in 2002
Gameplay was better back then

Not really

Visual bling is being used to attract the superficial casual fags.
Actual gameplay has been dumbed down to all time lows in order to cater to these normalfags who "don't have time" (read: lack skill and patience) to master games.

Also, while visual fidelity has skyrocketed, the art design has plummeted. Art-school dropouts raised by Blender tutorial videos have no understanding of art theories, and they just keep wasting resources on stupid things. Combine this with the Deferred shading + PBR memes, and you get noisy and blurry visuals as well.

Adding things to a game is very expensive meaning that every little thing needs to have a committee approve it, leading to samey, watered down games. It used to be that some dude could add a killer feature in 3 afternoons that makes the game more fun, now you need mo-capping, voice-acting, lots of animation, modelling, online and god-knows-what for everything and this kind of visionary development can't happen anymore.

yes really gameplay usually means "player input" which you don't have in your new linear movie games

that's not peach fuzz that's monkey hair

Another Jewish cultural replacement game aimed to normalize female androgyny. Don't fall for it fellow whites

Play better games like King of Fighters.

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because as long as you can tell whats happening on screen graphics dont matter. And despite this sime fact the entire industry still believes style>substance

Because games take 500 more people and many more years to make now. Can't play around with fun mechanics unless you're willing to devote all that extra time to modelling, developing and testing it.

Pic related had the Green Goblin hidden behind an unlockable. He handled completely differently to Spiderman. No chance of that being done today.

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What has happened in the last 5 years. Games really have gone DOWN hill. Like..what was it. Seems everyone has never been less interested b4

not a single good AAA game has been released since 2011 (except GTAV if we're talking mechanically)

You aren't white

I swear this is the same shit when you fucktards keep crying about woman havingbig tits being unrealistic and those who want it never going outside, while you're the ones who sit in the fucking basement all day and are fucking afraid of sunlight. Not only no woman, no fucking man has hair like that around the eyes or ears you fucking digsuting excuse of a human being. You're the ones who are too afraid to look into a mirror let alone another person to know what "realistic" really is.