Phone bros.. not like this

Phone bros.. not like this..

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So what has actually performed for them? Nothing?

Not my problem. Square games suck ass no matter the platform.

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I've seen so many "square enix" and "underperformed" articles lately. It's like they're forcing a new meme or something.
They should just fucken change their logo to "underperformed" already lmao.

I tried playing this game because I heard Tifa was in it.
But apparently I can only roll OCs + FFIV characters for now.

So I uninstalled it and played FEH instead. Now that game delivers to fans what they really want.

>Square Enix presents a hot new game series: Underperformed. Starring a black woman who has to go on an epic narrative quest in a post apocalyptic open world!
-10/10 ign
-10/10 kotaku
-10/10 gamespot
-10/10 polygon
-5/10 edge magazine :^)

>5 different FF gachas
>all play off the nostalgia of the prior entries in the series
>all designed to monopolize the player's time
>"durr, why are gaems underperform!?"
And that's without even getting into the mobile games from their other franchises.
Their mobile games division is essentially cannibalizing itself and they're acting surprised at the result. Whoever is in charge of that division is a certified retard.

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>put the lowest possible effort into your gacha games
>low quality, broken and overpriced ports
>People stop supporting you
Shocking truth

War of the Visions has 10/10 coombait yet they still managed to fuck it up and make it mind numbingly boring.

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>Pump kusoge on yearly basis
>Then proceed to kill previous one for more sequels.
>Rinse and repeat

No shit. There is like 4 bravely mobages, ton of FF crap. How they expect people keep playing when next one come soon?

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I can only hope they get around to FFIX before the game is killed off, because good lord, I need to see Garnet's thighs/ass in that style.

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They censored it too.

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Mobile games are the only thing I play anymore.

It's Square, most of the talent and soul left that developer long ago.

Most of that now works for studios owned by Nintendo.

Square Enix says every game under performs.

I was under the impression they finally got a hit with Brave Exvius but I never really looked into it much. I think they should have tried to use the power of their many artist connections to make a new IP cute girl game like their attempt with Project Tokyo Dolls.

Mainly Trials of Mana and XIV. Hopefully Live a Live overperforms as well (so far the public reception is shaping up pretty nicely) so that they learn to scale down their AAA budgets a notch and focus less on muh graphics and/or remake games people actually give a shit about.

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>Most of that now works for studios owned by Nintendo.
And some from Cygames. Mostly art guys though.

>focus less on muh graphics and/or remake games people actually give a shit about
A recent Famitsu article states the CEO wants to go in harder on HD-2D games and that Live A Live is just the one remake the team wanted to do first. Actraiser was the second on their list, but since that already got a normal remaster, I wouldn't expect it to actually be their next.

How is this a surprise? Squenix mobile games are infamous for going for about a year or two then dying out. The only ones that managed to stay afloat are Brave Exvius and Opera Omnia and those are already at a pretty bad spot. Obviously not as bad as Bamco and their Tales mobile game division, but still terrible.

Triangle Strategy is next. Then Live A Live.

Probably because its all gatcha shit that want $25 per pull. Who, but a hand full of retards, would pay for a $25 slot machine?