11 threads about preordering a game

>11 threads about preordering a game
>2 threads trying to paint piracy as le evil
are you really trying to tell me that there aren't any shills on this board?

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threads trying to paint piracy as le evil
These ones aren't shills, they're trolls. This decade's prevalent trolling strategy is "take the stance that makes the most people angry". Piracy le bad is one such stance.

There are no shills on this board.

Steam isn't a monopoly

there ARE shills on this board, but if you think they're valve's then you haven't been paying attention

Attached: 1645574177069.png (2923x4704, 3.09M)

Shills have adopted trolling as just another marketing strategy.

>Can't get Elden Ring anywhere but Steam
>Can't get thousands of other games anywhere but Steam
>Steamfags screech endlessly if ONE game is announced as an Epic exclusive

conveniently enough it's being pushed right when a game is about to release

explain how steam is an illegal monopoly

If you think valve has none, you haven't been paying attention either.
>inb4 retardation about them doing it for free
Fuck off.

>Chinks can only create knock-off memes

>>Can't get Elden Ring anywhere but Steam
Thats the developers own choice, I don’t have to sell my product at Walmart because I want to sell it on Amazon
>>Can't get thousands of other games anywhere but Steam
See above
>>Steamfags screech endlessly if ONE game is announced as an Epic exclusive
That has nothing to do with a monopoly, of a majority of consumers don’t want something that is voting with their wallet

such are insectoid subhumans

No one is bitching just the fact a game is exclusive to Epic, everyone bitches about the fact that
A) Epic pays for them to be exclusive
B) It is a one year lock down contract (At minimum)
Meanwhile on Steam, as far as I know, you can sell your game anywhere, even with Steam keys, as long as you give steam users a fair equal price across the board.

Marketers in action.

Some more.
Why is this OK again????

In my mind, if smash reveal threads are fine, then day one shilling threads are fine.

>bitching about shills
>using a picture a butthurt shill made

Forgot these ones. This has been going on for weeks now. It's not even launch day.
On launch there will be another two dozen threads at minimum.

>day one shilling
>literally 10 threads 24/7 for months

Don't froth at the mouth when it releases lmao.

Because it's going to literally take over the board the next few days.

Old news, confirmed years ago with Borderlands threads. Get it with the times, newfag.


Just like Elden Ring threads then?
I assume you are some seething Genigger mad his irrelevant puppet didnt get in